Get Yourself to a Writing Conference

Great news today. I opened an email that let me know I received a scholarship to the amazing Pikes Peak Writer's Conference. And the cherry on top? My daughter won a scholarship as well.

There's nothing better than a writing conference. To be surrounded by people who understand your passion. People who want to talk plot, synopsis, and marketing.

And there's nothing like attending a conference with one of your favorite people.

This will be Katie's first conference. Though she's a creative writing major, she's never had a chance to go to one. She'll get to hear speakers like Donald Maass, Kristin Nelson, and Rachelle Gardner

If you've never attended a conference, there's no reason to wait. Even if you're not finished with your novel, it's a great way to learn more about the craft of writing and soak up motivation to keep going. If money is an option, here are a couple of ways to make it happen.

Search for Scholarships. Most conferences offer them. Check the websites of those near you. Your best bet is to find a local conference where you can drive back and forth, saving you airfare and hotel fees. And remember, regional conferences are a significant savings, and can be just as incredible as the expensive national conferences. Most of us are starving writers. It's ok to admit it.

Pitch In. A writing conference is a huge undertaking, and it can't happen without a lot of help. Contact the conference staff to see where your skills can be put to work, or what they can teach you to do. You'll make fantastic friends, and usually you'll get a nice discount on the conference as a thank you.

Visit Virtually. If your location or budget make an in-person conference an impossibility, plan to attend an online conference. Two free ones are Muse Online and WriteOnCon, but there are others available, too.

What would it take to get you to a writing conference this year?


  1. That's great news. I look forward to seeing you and Katie there. I'll be volunteering at the pitch sessions again for part of the time. Otherwise, I'll be soaking up as many sessions as I can.

  2. Trying to go to one in Indiana, closer to home and reasonable. I think it will be so helpful and inspiring.

  3. @Stacy: so glad we'll get to see each other some! I'll be volunteering in several places, but I hope we can find some time to catch up.

    @Terri: The close to home ones are so much more intimate and affordable. When I went to a huge one in NYC, it felt kind of impersonal.


  4. Congratulations on you and your daughter's scholarships! That's fantastic news! You give so much to all of us; it's nice to see the universe giving back to you. Have fun!

  5. Thanks, Leah. It'll be a blast going together.

