An Easy Way for Writers to Learn AND Get Published

Earlier this week, one of my posts was picked up by a site called inkPageant. I had not come across it before, but ended up spending some time browsing. inkPageant is a website offering a collection of writing articles sorted for easy reading.

Readers can browse articles by genre, date, category, or popularity. And the best part is that writers can submit their own blog posts for possible inclusion.

All it takes is to fill out a brief registration, and then peruse the submission guidelines. The site is looking specifically for blog posts, including the following: 
* Writing/publishing tips and advice
* Writing-related opinion pieces or essays
* Book reviews
* Upcoming events and news in the writing community (i.e. signings, conventions, new releases, etc.)
* Author/editor/agent interviews
* Movie reviews, if your analysis is applicable to writers

The links posted take users directly to the author's web page. As an added bonus, each post accepted gets entered for a monthly prize drawing. Check out the prizes offered for the month of February.

Even if you're not interested in submitting to the site, there are so many helpful articles, you'll probably want to spend some time looking around.

Do you know of other sites like this one? I'd love to highlight more of them.


  1. I haven't heard of this, but will have to check it out.

  2. I'll bet you've got some posts you could submit, Stacy!


  3. Thanks for the information, I haven't seen this and will check it out.

  4. It looks like a great way to get more exposure for your blog!


  5. I definitely want to check this site out. Thanks, Debbie :-)

  6. You're welcome, Kenda. I know you've got a lot of posts they'd probably love!


  7. Thanks for the info, Debbie! I just submitted my most recent blog post. As always, you give out quality info!

  8. Looking forward to seeing your post there, Todd!

