Keep Updated on Books in Your Genre With This Site

One of the tasks of a pre-published writer is to read in the genre they're writing in. With all the books being published, it can be overwhelming trying to keep track of what's new.

Cheryl Rainfield, author and fellow member of the wonderful Yahoo group Teen Lit Authors, recommended the site, Any New Books. Definitely check out her website and new book. And she's got some beautiful bookplates free to download.

When you sign up with Any New Books, you just type in your email, and choose from over forty categories of books. You can even choose to be alerted to new Kindle releases. For each category you choose, you'll receive an email once a week with titles and descriptions of new releases. 

You can also check out the staff picks, browse through the archives by genre, or read about what's new on the Any New Book blog. The site is a great way to add to your to-be-read list.
Here's the list of genres you'll choose from.
I signed up for children's, teens, and Kindle books. What would you sign up for?


  1. Thanks for this very helpful link. Keep up the good work...I'm a homeschool Mom/writer as well, and trying to find balance in this world!

  2. Balance is pretty elusive for me! It's hard to keep all the balls in the air. Thanks for stopping by, Jarm. Hope to see you again!


  3. Great tip, Debbie. I signed up a moment ago. I signed up for three categories, which should keep me busy aplenty!

    As always, you provide practical, informative tips!

    Be well.

  4. Thanks for this! I signed up for the same categories as you!

  5. Wow! That is seriously awesome. Thank you!!

  6. Glad you both signed up. I'm glad to have a way to keep up on what's new.


  7. I signed up for nonfiction and kindle ebooks. The categories: memoir & biographies and childrens books.

  8. Ooo, this is awesome! I just blogged about needing to find books in my genre. Thanks!

  9. I forgot about that blog post of yours! I should have remembered. :)


  10. Stacy, those categories should give you lots to read. It was fun seeing you yesterday!

