Free Resources from Novel Writing Help

It's funny how becoming a writer is synonymous with becoming a learner. When the goal of writing is finally settled in your mind, you begin to realize how much there is to learn about the craft. And because the journey to publication usually takes several years or more, a writer dedicated to soaking up instruction usually becomes quite knowledgeable.

Think about it. Right now, before the adventure of publication begins, you have more time to give back to those who are just starting their writing journey. Without deadlines or marketing tasks, we're in a unique position to help others.

Harvey Chapman is just such a writer. He lives in the UK, and has taken the time to write and compile a website full of articles to teach what he's learned over the years. Novel Writing Help is packed with dozens of articles on every facet of novel writing.

Writers will find posts like How to Write a Novel in 9 Steps and a summary of online publishing. Articles are grouped by subject under headings like first steps, planning a novel, writing a novel, getting published, and writing resources.

A couple of things I like are Chapman's Novel Writing Software Guide, and Myths and Secrets of novel writing. He also offers a free ezine called Creative Writing Tips.

I can't list all the content of Chapman's site because there's so much. Check it out to see what you can learn, and be inspired to share what you've absorbed about the craft of writing with someone else.

How do you give back to the writing community?


  1. What a great resource! Will definitely check him out. And also, a good point is that it's while we are unpublished (almost ironically) that we can most help others, because we still have some time to spare...

  2. Just took a quick look--and like what I see! I'll definitely go back and check out some of what Harvey offers. Thanks for the link, Debbie :-) As for giving back to the writing community,I sure haven't done anything near what he has done, but I have mentored a couple of young writers in the past, help critique my writers' group work, and of course talk about writing whenever I get the chance :-)

  3. Hi Deborah: Great resource you laid out here. I checked Harvey's Myths/Secrets and came away with this jewel:
    "And leave the moaning about bad luck to those writers who were not willing to work hard enough or long enough to succeed."
    Yeah. This is big stuff. Thanks.

  4. @Margo: it's scary to think of our busy lives now, and think about adding deadlines and marketing!

    @Kenda: You sound like me. I teach young writers, am part of several crit groups, and my kids know I talk about writing wherever I go!

    @Jack: That quote sounds similar to something I read on Les Edgerton's blog. It's so true. We really do have a huge hand in our own success.

