When You're Backed Into a Corner, Write Your Way Out

Life gets in the way of writing. But without the stuff life throws at us, there would be nothing to write about. What a conundrum.

Life threw me a curve ball last night. The week before, I was hit with a different one. At times like these, it's tempting to drop my writing and completely immerse myself in working out the solutions.

But I'm determined to take a different path. To set aside at least a little time to write. To create. To work through issues with words. 

Writing can be a solution in itself. A release valve for the stresses that come with being alive, and caring about people.

I don't want to compartmentalize my life. Separating writing from living would make it antiseptic, untouched by the ups and downs of living. So today I'll write. At least for an hour or two.

And we'll go from there.

How do you handle life's curve balls? Does your manuscript get shoved in a drawer, or do you keep going?
In case you missed it, author Sherrilyn Kenyon has some great answers to these questions.


  1. Good for you. I know that often when something goes upside down, it does throw me and my writing out of schedule. I need to be stronger about making sure I don't let it!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  2. It depends on the size of the curve ball for me, but I will admit that bigger life issues have derailed my writing in the past. Since then, I've refused to let that continue to be the case and, like you, now make some amount of time for writing daily.

    Writing gives me perspective, gets out the grief, clarifies the nebulous. Plus I love my blogging friends. You guys pick me up when I'm feeling blue. :-)

    Have a lovely week to come.

  3. Thank you, Angela and Janette for your positive perspectives! I had a great time with my crit group this morning, and I stayed at the coffee shop to write. I feel so much better!


  4. I'm guilty of getting derailed sometimes. Hope all is well this week.

  5. I usually let other things derail me, like doubt or insecurity. But I find that those are treated by writing through them as well. We can write much of our struggles in real life into our characters and stories and make them more complex, more interesting.

    Praying for you this week!

  6. You guys are so encouraging. I think writing is one of those occupations where you can take what you're given and turn it around to help someone else.


  7. Yep, I've always found writing to be the best way of coping with life's stresses.

  8. Right, Trisha. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't write!


  9. I write to escape the stresses of life. I find that whenever things in real life go crazy, I end up writing like crazy.

    It's the same with reading.

    I encourage you to always write, no matter what seems to be happening. It's a marvellous way to cope.

    I hope you are doing alright in the meantime? Just remember the three 'W's: You are wonderful, worthy, and worthwhile.


  10. Well, S.M., if that's true, then you must have a crazy life, because you write like crazy all the time! I had a wonderful morning--made myself write a thousand words before checking email. And then I got to read your wonderful words! Thank you! You made my day.

