Agent Friday: Meredith Barnes

Meredith Barnes works as an associate agent at Lowenstein Associates. She's interested in both non-fiction and fiction, and has a particular affinity for "blog-to-book" projects. Barnes also handles digital strategy and subsidiary rights.

Barnes blogs at La Vie en Prose. I browsed through her archives to share a sampling of her posts.

On self-publishing: Barnes discusses when to self-publish (and what to try first), the stigma of self-publishing, how many copies of your book you should try to sell in order to make an impression on publishers, and patience in the query process before you decide to self-publish.

On Online Author Marketing: Marketing when you don't even have an agent yet, what authors need to do, how to work on your platform once you're agented,

On Platform: Barnes describes a non-fiction platform, and an anatomy of a fiction platform.

On marketing in general: the importance of the book cover (you might also be interested in yesterday's post on covers), all about literary agencies with their own publishing divisions, and an excellent post on packaging and positioning your book.

There are lots more Agent Friday posts here.


  1. Each visit here is like a short little lesson, love it. Thanks for all of your hard work here, Debbie.

  2. Amy, comments like yours keep me going! Thank you!


  3. This is interesting Debbie, as Lowenstein Associates just requested a read of my manuscript. Funny out of all the agents you should choose that it would be this one. Anyway, I sent it in last week and I continue to query other agents. My work will find a way to live in this vast universe. Thanks for the post...I'm going to poke around on those links.

  4. What a coincidence, Leah! I'm sure your beautiful voice will find a home. Best of luck to you!

