Free Resources from Author Jeffrey A. Carver

I've found another generous writer. A busy author with more than a dozen books to his credit, Jeffrey A. Carver maintains multiple websites and a blog, giving away fantastic writing information to you.

Carver writes science fiction  (including a Battlestar Galactica series), but most of his resources will be helpful to writers of all genres. He even gives away some of his fiction.

Carver's website contains links to all kinds of information that can help you as a writer. 

Advice. Carver lists a number of practical tips on his advice page. He also dedicates a page to getting published, answering questions on agents, queries, and self-publishing.

Blog. Carver keeps up a blog called Pushing a Snake Up a Hill. You may want to add his blog to your reader, or check out this handy page of relevant blog posts like Dealing With Writer's Block or Will They Steal Your Work?

Course. Even with all the other resources he provides, Carver has developed an online course in writing science fiction and fantasy that he offers for free. You can't beat that.He's also posted a podcast of a workshop on story structure.
Links. If you do write science fiction or fantasy, you won't want to miss Carver's page of links, some quirky, some strange.
Know any more writers like this?


  1. Wow, thanks for this great resource. I'm off to check it out now.
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  2. I love doing free online courses. I hope I can come up with one someday.


  3. I hit the jackpot! What a lot of great resources. Thanks!

  4. Cool, i'm checking out his blog :)

    I have awarded you something here:

  5. Glad you stopped by, Pam. And thank you so much for the award, Trisha!


  6. Great post, Debbie!!! Invaluable info.

  7. I'm so glad I ran across his site. These are the articles I need.

