Agent Friday: Folio Literary Management

Folio Literary Management is a powerhouse. They not only boast a dozen agents,  they also have a separate division, Folio Jr., to handle children's books. The agency hosts a blog, and posts additional resources on their website. Let's dig in.

You probably want an agent. You definitely want to have a good relationship with that agent. But like a healthy marriage, it takes work. Get prepared by reading Top Ten Pieces of Advice for a Good Agent-Author Relationship.

If characterization is a struggle for you, it helps to read as much as you can on making your character believable. One of Folio's agents shares Characters That Get Me Every Time--and Why.

Planning on attending a writer's conference this year? Me, too. But don't just pick up and go. Do some preparation ahead of time. Trust me, you'll head into the conference with far more confidence. Agent Scott Hoffman lists five ways to Get the Most Out of Your Writer's Conference Experience. In addition, you'll find more information in Jeff Kleinman's Guide to Conference Etiquette.

Right now you may be editing your novel. After that, you'll likely show it to your critique group, eliciting all kinds of advice on revising your manuscript. Once you secure an agent, the first order of business will probably be--more revisions. How will you react? Agent Laney Katz Becker gives her perspective on why revisions are important in Divas Need Not Apply.

Though it may sound far away to you now, it's not a bad idea to begin establishing a relationship with local bookstores. Find some great advice straight from a bookseller sharing do's and don'ts for authors hoping to market their books.

From the agency's resource page:

A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Published
Frequently Asked Questions for Agents
Knowing Your Genre
Jeff Kleinman's Rules of Rejection
How to Formulate Your Query Submission Plan
The Top 5 Ways Not to Get an Agent

Wow. Lots of resources to look through today. What are the areas you feel pulled to first?


  1. Thanks so much--this is an agency on my query list, and it's great to have all these links handy :)

  2. Best of luck querying, Jess! They sound like a great group.


  3. Interesting and helpful. Thank you, Debbie!


    Note for querying writers: Laney Katz Becker is no longer with Folio. She is now with Markson Thoma.

  4. Always bulging with resources! Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the information and the links. I know this will be of help as I plan my writing projects for 2011.

  6. Wonderfully helpful, thank-you!

    I was most interested in the agent-author relationship, and the writer's conference links.

    Thanks again!

  7. You're welcome, everyone. And thank you, Lorena for the heads up on Laney. It's hard to keep up with all the agent-hopping!


  8. I'm pitching an agent from Folio at the upcoming Maui Writers Conference and my research on the agency led me here. Thanks for the useful info. You might be interested in my blog with 4 other writers in Vancouver, BC --

    Good luck with your writing ventures and don't burn the rice!
    Cheers, Silk Questo

  9. Best of luck with the pitch! It's nerve-wracking, but hopefully you'll be so relaxed in Hawaii that it'll come off just fine.

