How to find the best Beta Readers for your novel

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When your book is finished, and you need some feedback, it's time to think about beta readers. What is a beta reader? I heard someone recently describe it this way: You, the author are the first reader. The alpha. Whoever reads it next is the beta reader.

Finding the right beta readers for your novel is important. You want individuals who won't just pat you on the back, yet you don't want folks who will criticize you to the point you'll never write again.

Fortunately, my fellow Pikes Peak Writers member, Deb McLeod, has written a wonderful post explaining why you might want certain beta readers at one stage of your novel, and other readers at different stages. Definitely check out The Beta Reader Love-O-Meter on the Pikes Peak Writers blog.

Have you ever used beta readers? How has it been helpful, or not-so-helpful to your editing process?


  1. I really enjoyed the Beta Reader Love-O-Meter post. I just finished being a beta reader. It was an interesting process. I provided more feedback (including line edits) than was expected. I discovered we should have discussed that prior. It was more work than I expected, but some things I just didn't want to "not mention." Of course, at the end of the day, any of my comments are just suggetions. And, the best part of it, I really loved the story.

  2. Thanks for your input, Stacy. I've critiqued chapter by chapter, but I haven't done a whole book as a beta reader. I'd like to try it sometime.


  3. Debbie- Great post. I loved Deb's article. Fortunately, I have basically followed her suggestions- my friends read my s____ first draft, and now a writer/reader critique partner is helping with my second draft. When I'm done with edits (hopefully in a few months), I'll ask some people who I know love to read to look at it again. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Sounds like you're right on track, Julia! I'm pondering who my final betas will be when the time comes. I'd like to pick a few people I don't know, so I won't worry they're just 'being nice'!


  5. I have used Beta readers. And since I am incapable of self-editing at all, Beta Readers are an absolute MUST for me. I mostly use people I know, as I'm a wee bit paranoid, but I make them swear up and down that they'll be honest.

    I still worry that they're just being nice, but that thought goes through my head almost every time I read a review. Not that I have many of those either.

    I usually pick fellow writers to be my Beta Readers, as they are less likely to get sidetracked and are generally much more nit-picky about grammar and spelling. I hope, in any case.

  6. Thanks for sharing your experience, Sonya! Hope you have a great Christmas.


  7. I had a critique group I relied on for years but we've recently gone on hiatus. As a Christmas gift, at their insistence I gave my daughter and daughter-in-law copies of an older, unpublished novel. At my insistence, I'm asking for their feedback. So I guess they are my first attempts at beta readers.

  8. What a great idea for a Christmas gift! I've recently sent chapters to two of my nieces who are avid readers, so I'm looking forward to the feedback.

