Four Resources (and Cyber Monday for writers)

What a whirlwind week it's been! I've been to New York City, and many points between there and Colorado. And most of that time, internet availability has been non-existent, so I haven't been able to post like usual.

I did get to spend some time in the city, and one of the highlights was a stroll through the New York Public Library (which, surprisingly, when I wrote about what they offer free online, has been my highest-read post). My husband had never been inside, so it was fun to introduce him to the amazing art and architecture.

We tramped from the Empire State Building to Radio City, Rockefeller Center (where we watched workers decorating the huge tree), and Times Square. I really do miss the city, but I love living in a small town now.

So as I'm getting back into the swing of things after a week away, here are some random resources to check out:

Want to promote reading? Help other writers? Check out Mike Duran's post 10 things you can do to promote authors you like. Maybe folks will do the same for you someday.

I'm a big fan of Bob & Jack's Writing Blog. Jack Remick has come up with a fantastic post called  A Short Course in Structure ~ Writing Tips for the Committed Novelist. You'll learn valuable information on 'timed writing' (and why it's a good idea), what's a 'start line' and how it can energize your writing, and how to use the 'cut to' technique in effective ways. Don't miss this post.

Jeff Goins posts a list every year of the online writer's guide to Cyber Monday. Check out some amazing deals on books, courses, software, and more.

And here's a nice, concise post from Susan Dennard on how to write a one-page synopsis. You know, just in case you've finished your NaNoWriMo novel early and have time to kill...

How was your Thanksgiving break (for those of you who celebrated)? Do you participate in Cyber Monday deals?


  1. Great links, thanks for compiling them all Debbie!

    Love your pics from NYC - looks like you had an amazing time! I've never visited the NY Public Library, but really must keep that on my list for next time!

  2. Fun! Some day I'd like to go to NYC. Are you from there, or did you mean another big city?

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  3. Trisha, the NYPL is a must for book lovers. It's not really used as a library for checking out books (there's another branch across the street), but it's a great place for research, and the endless work tables surrounded by books and beauty just makes you want to write.

    Shannon, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, and I took the subway to high school in Manhattan. My hometown! :)


  4. Great post about synopsis writing. I hate doing those! I like how detailed she was in breaking down the steps. Definitely bookmarking that one! Thanks for the share :)

  5. I'm with you, Lauren. I despise synopsis writing. Fortunately, a number of agents hate to read them, too!


  6. We had a simple but good celebration...thanks Debbie! I always benefit from your helpful links...

  7. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Now it's time to gear up for Christmas!

