Get Productive for #NaNoWriMo

With NaNoWriMo bearing down on us, I've got time-management on the brain. I thought about it more when I read literary agent Rachelle Gardner's post titled, How productive are you? Gardner mentioned a product called Rescue Time that can help users figure out where their time is spent while on the computer.

It sounded interesting. Rescue Time has a free version and a paid ($6 per month) version. The paid version is capable of blocking distracting websites, and can even give you an alert if you've spent too much time on --ahem, Facebook or Twitter. There's even a way to track offline time, like meetings and phone calls. Compare the services between the two versions.

And now, Rachelle Gardner has posted that Rescue Time is offering its pro version free to writers during NaNoWriMo. Check out her post for the link to sign up. You probably want to add her blog to your reader, if you don't read it already.

Would a service like this be likely to change your writing/working habits? Is it only for writers with a certain personality, or could it be helpful even for free spirits?


  1. I see the value in something like this for some people, but I don't think it would help me. I think I'd be analyzing it all the time, which would be another time suck from writing :) I know when I'm spending too much time with social media, and I think the discipline has to come from me, independent of an alert program. For instance, I might have a tendency to spend the same amount of time on social media and just feel more guilty about it. So something like this probably wouldn't be for me. Again, though, it's pretty cool that the option is out there!

  2. I like your take on this, Jess. You put into words the vague feeling I had. I think I'd be right there with you getting sucked into another thing that isn't writing. But maybe another personality would benefit a lot more than me!


  3. Thanks for this link!

    I think many writers are so easily distracted by everything the Internet holds, that something like this would be a good idea.

    On the other hand, the creative may find it distracting during writing not to be able to surf pictures, music and other creative writing inspirations...

    I guess it goes both ways.

  4. Sigh. That's the problem, isn't it? What distracts us is also what feeds our creativity. :)


  5. Thanks for the link, Debbie. I downloaded the rescue time and will try it for a month! We will see what happens!

  6. I'd love to hear what you think of it, Jarm!


  7. The only service that might help me during NaNoWriMo is a housekeeping service, LOL! :-)

  8. Now that's an idea I totally agree with, Pam! I do have a crowd of teenagers who are *supposed* to be helping, but somehow they're incredibly busy...


  9. That's probably a good idea! I'm lucky in that I find it relatively easy to dive into writing, and once I've established a routine I'm good to go. It also helps that there isn't that much happening in my online social circles, so I'm not compelled to check them every five minutes or so!

  10. My trouble is that no two days are even similar, so it's hard to establish a routine. You are a very determined writer, and it shows!

