At home with famous writers

My post is late today, because I've been wrestling with a case of tomatoes.

They started out like this.

Then I had to skin them (requiring both a boiling water bath, followed by an ice water bath), squeeze the juice from them, slice and cook them. Then they looked like this (though my pot was huge!)

Then it was time to puree the sauce to separate out any extra seeds or skin. Leaving a huge pot of this.

So, what do you think we're having for dinner tonight?

(all photos courtesy of Stock.xchng, because I was too messy to touch my camera!)

So there's a day at home with me. And my tomatoes. Which I did not grow. But I don't want to leave you without something inspirational. Here's a link to photos of the homes of five famous writers. Authors like Stephen King, Anne Rice, and several others with amazing homes. I'd show you mine, but there are tomato sauce splatters everywhere. 

Even on the dog.

Would you like your home to appear on a site like this someday?


  1. Ha, one could only wish! My modest 1000-square foot home would hardly qualify. My favorite would be Gore Vidal's place over there in Italy :-) Fun post. The tomatoes look like a lot of work...

  2. I'm exhausted, but they tasted wonderful! I'm with you on Gore Vidal's place. I'm sure I could write ten pages a day there!


  3. Poor dog! But if it helps, it all looks delicious!

  4. Those tomatos look yummy. I browsed through the fancy houses. They were beautiful, but I'd much rather see your house—tomato stains and all. Down-home comfort! LOL!

  5. When I was little I would dream of becoming an author and owning a mansion. Obviously my expectations were way too high. ;)

    Those houses are absolutely beautiful. It would be amazing to live in a home that had a gorgeous view outside the window so I could be inspired as I write. Maybe one day... =)

  6. Thank you, Sonia, it did taste good! And I have enough for a few more meals. I'm thinking maybe lasagna tonight.

    Leah, thank you. My house isn't anything special, but it's cozy. Now the view, however is spectacular. I get to look at Pikes Peak all day.

    Tessa, when I was little I wanted to live in a different house every week to try them all out!


  7. I'm making lasagna in a bit. I sorted through those houses. Nice. Now, off to do homework then write.

  8. I admire your hard tomato work! It looks yummy but exhausting ;).

    These homes were nice, but Danielle Steel's house looks like a government building. I bet she spends more time at her 3,000 sq ft home. Lol. I liked Stephen King's house and the one in Vermont.

    Now back to the Great Rewrite...

  9. Lasagna is on my list for tomorrow, Stacy!

    I agree with you about Danielle's house, Shelley. Too impersonal. That Mediterranean one wouldn't be hard to take, though!


  10. Funny how Stephen King's house looks just like I would have pictured it. Danielle Steele's house looks like a municipal building or a museum--pretty to look at, but doesn't scream "cozy" to me. (Shrug.) I've seen pictures of Anne Rice's homes in the past, so I had an idea of what her beautiful home looked like. :-)

    I'm sure the sauce you made was delicious. I know all about splatters, as I sauteed veal in very hot olive oil the other night. The veal was tender and yummy, but then I had to clean the stove top and even the cabinets from the splatters. I think I need to change to a higher heat-resistant oil. (I can talk food and cooking all day, but I wouldn't do that to you, Debbie!)

    Hugs to you...

  11. Maybe it's like those contests to see which people look like their dogs. I wonder if I write like my house? Your veal sounds delicious. Wish I could have been there, splatters and all.

