Write a novel with Camp Nanowrimo

Let's face it. November is not the greatest month for writing a complete novel. Gearing up for the major holidays takes some effort and attention. Throw in school, work, and sports schedules, and it's not hard to see why many "Wrimos" don't complete the 50,000 word goal.

Summer is different. It feels different. You're not tied to all the same school-year schedules, even if you don't get much time off work. 

So the folks at Nanowrimo came up with Camp Nanowrimo. During the months of June and August, participants have the opportunity to write a 50,000 word novel, with all the support and prizes the organization is known for.

Why should you give it a try? 

It's a great way to get that first draft down on paper. Pushing myself to keep writing instead of re-editing the first chapters ad nauseum is the only way the book will get finished.

You don't feel so alone when so many others are sweating over their keyboards along with you. The Nanowrimo forums are a fantastic place to find new friends in your genre, and to share resources and tips.

You can challenge your kids. A young writers edition of Camp Nanowrimo is available for kids who want to set their own writing goals. Imagine how motivating it would be to try to stay ahead of your kids' word output.

If you're considering giving it a try for the August 1st session, it's necessary to prepare as much as possible ahead of time. Here are some links to resources I've collected that are really helpful:

An introduction to the Nanowrimo forums.

A list of more free resources for Nanowrimo participants.

Do you find writing in the summer to be easier or more difficult to schedule? Would you rather try Nanowrimo in the fall? I'd love to hear what you think.


  1. I have wanted to do this for the past two years, but I am REALLY going to do it this year I believe:)

  2. I've heard so much about this. But I'm not for sure how it works or what t do. But best wishes for you. Who knows? I may join in this August.

  3. Deana, best of luck to you in August! This year, I'll probably stick to November, since August has piled up with too many things to do.

    Ink,it's not hard. You just write about 1600 words a day, and try not to get side-tracked by editing your story till later. It's a lot of fun, even if you don't "finish".


  4. Thank you Debbie!Last night, I looked over some the websites you listed and downloaded a couple of the resources. I have an idea rolling around and this might be the perfect opportunity to see if I can make it a story. Thanks for taking the time to post all the info you write about on your blog:)

  5. Don't you just love those ebooks? I sometimes use them even when it's not Nanowrimo time. It's great to use the month to get a really good start on a story. I hope it goes well for you!

