Free writer's magazine: Southern Writers Magazine

Fire update: The Waldo Canyon Fire is still burning, but firefighters are well on their way to getting on top of it. Just today, our area was released from pre-evacuation orders. Now it's time to put away all the photos and important papers, but I feel like we should keep them in one place in case of another fire. The smoke is thick today, but hopefully the wind will shift so we can open our windows.

Today's resource is a free digital magazine. Southern Writers Magazine is celebrating their anniversary by giving away the July issue. It looks like this may be available only through the end of July.

I had not heard of the magazine before, but I paged through the free issue (which only requires an email address for access), and found several articles I'm looking forward to reading. Things like:

Book Signing Success
Taking My Blog from Good to Great
Multitasking Mysteries
Word Count Sweet Spot
Where Do I Begin?
The Lasting Legacy of William Faulkner
Book Proposal Boot Camp

Those are only a few of the many articles and features. There are author interviews and columns on craft. Take a look at it while you can. Information on subscribing is posted, as well.

What are your favorite writing magazines to read? Or do you rely on online content?


  1. Oooh! I will certainly check that out! Thanks, as always, Debbie!

  2. Thanks for the resource, Debbie.

    I've been checking your blog for updates on the fire, btw. I'm glad you guys are OK and the pre-evacuation order in your area was lifted.

    Have a great week!

  3. Thank goodness you do not have to leave. I am so thankful for answered prayers. Please keep us updated if thins change.

    I mostly read online content or order books for my Kindle. Thanks for this resource. I've already "thumbed" through it and it looks like it has plenty of good and useful info.

  4. Thanks for stopping by, you guys. It's really time for me to get back to writing. The fire has been such a distraction, but hopefully it will all be out in the next week or so!


  5. I think I might have to subscribe to this one. Great information.

  6. There were so many articles I wanted to read. It looks very practical.


  7. On occasion, I'll look at the "Writer's Magazine" or "Writer's Digest", but I get most things online. "Children's Book Insider" for one, and links from all the supportive 12x12'ers like you, Debbie. Thanks for your link to the free issue!

  8. I just finished reading most of the articles. I found some good ones. I also like Writer's Digest, and many online newsletters and blogs.


  9. Debbie, thanks for spreading the word out about Southern Writers Magazine! We truly hope everyone enjoys the free anniversary issue.

  10. I know I did! Thanks so much for introducing a great resource.

