How does a writer evacuate in an emergency?

Kind of a weird week here. A new fire was started on Saturday afternoon much closer than the one I mentioned last week. My son works not far from the spot where the fire began and he saw the fire start up. 

If you want to see what I see when I look out the window, check this webcam from time to time.

There is a possibility our family could be ordered to evacuate. Just a few streets away, homes are on pre-evacuation orders. We're gathering what we'd need in case that happens.

So what does a writer bring in an emergency? 

I live in Woodland Park, at the top of the image.
Laptop. The obvious choice for keeping posted on news, it also holds copies of my manuscripts (though not the only copies!). I also use the free DropBox service to back up all my manuscripts. It's a painless way to ease my mind about my writing.

Flash drives and backup hard drive. These hold stories and manuscripts from the last several years.

Notebooks. I have binders of story ideas, character 'bibles', and other writing-related records. 

Kindle. Rather than take up room with my favorite writing books, I can make use of the ones on my Kindle, and I can always add more.

Computer and Kindle charging cords.

That's all I can think of right now. How about you? If the unthinkable happened, what would you grab along with your important papers and photos?


  1. Take care Debbie, hope some rainy weather comes soon! If the unthinkable were to happen, I would bring along my portable backup for my pc.

  2. Oh gosh! I hope it doesn't come to that for you!

  3. Thank you both. I hope it doesn't come further, but the plume this afternoon is worrying. No rain in the forecast, but we've got amazing firefighters!


  4. I'm all packed up and ready to go! Wildlife is coming into town- got some pics and videos of a mother deer and her little spotty fawn earlier today.

  5. AA, I've heard this happening all over. We've seen less wildlife than usual. I guess the animals are heading away from the fire. Best of luck to you!


  6. Sounds like a scary situation, Debbie! You've got a good list going for what to take with you if you get evacuated. As an inspirational/devotional writer, I'd have to add my Bible to that list - although I use a good bit of the time, there's nothing quite like having my Bible to rely on! Praying for the firefighters to get the blaze under control!

  7. Thank you so much for the prayers, Maria. They are much appreciated. And yes, my Bible is definitely included!


  8. Oh, my goodness! How tense and unsettling for you! May God's peace be with you. May he protect you and provide for you. xxx

  9. Thank you so much! It's so sad to see friends lose their homes, but thankfully, there's been no loss of life. Everything else is just stuff.


  10. Debbie, I had to laugh at your list. You didn't include a toothbrush or any clothes. But a true writer thinks of her laptop and manuscripts first! ;)

    Still praying for you friend. I believe the amazing skill of the firefighters will have this one contained in a few days. Maybe you're out of danger at this point.
