Quit Now, So You Can Write

This is a Facebook post from my friend Angela Giles Klocke. When I saw it this morning, I realized how many of us come to this point and are better for it.

Have you ever quit writing? Endured too many rejections? A disappointing contest result? Fell out of love with your manuscript? Maybe the ups and downs of life have sapped your fire to write, and it's difficult to write despite the unexpected. Or you're just tired of the race to finally, magically have something happen.

Maybe it's time to quit, like Angela did. Let the fire burn through all the hopes and aspirations, the queries and the questions, until the only thing left is the pure desire to write. Not the desire for publication, for readers, for a platform, but just that itch to dig through your bag hoping for a scrap of paper because there's something you must write NOW.

One of the comments under Angela's post recommended a book, The Sound of Paper by Julia Cameron. Seems she recommends quitting writing in the first chapter.

Have you ever thrown in the proverbial writing towel? What happened when you did?


  1. For a moment, I thought this was going to be about quitting Facebook. :) I've never quit, but breaks ‚ yes I've done that.

  2. We should probably all quit Facebook, Stacy! I'm taking a little break from writing this week to plan my daughter's graduation. I'm more than a little behind!


  3. I quit writing and ended up with another book written. Self-published the first, getting the second ready. And I started a blog! (Good segue...) Nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award today. ;)

  4. That's the spirit, Shelley! And thanks for the nomination. We need to get together sometime soon.


  5. Hi Debbie, just letting you know I have an award for you on my blog:


    Never fear if it's not your cup of tea to do awards, just wanted to acknowledge great comments anyway! :)
