Book Review: Let's Get Digital, by David Gaughran

Yesterday, while browsing Pixel of Ink, the website that keeps me up to date on free Kindle books, I saw Let's Get Digital, by David Gaughran. The subtitle intrigued me: How to self-publish and why you should. I started reading this morning, and decided others might benefit from Gaughran's information. If you've been studying self-publishing for awhile, some of the information may be old news to you, but other sections might be helpful.

In part one, Gaughran shares an overview of publishing. In these twelve chapters, he highlights why traditional publishing is changing, and how it benefits the independent author. Tagging on that, he answers the obvious questions about book piracy and the realities of actually making money on your own, along with addressing the myths of self-publishing.

Part two addresses the actual process of self-publishing. From editing, to cover design, to formatting, Gaughran covers it all. He includes advice on pricing, marketing, and social media, as well. Following his ten steps, you can get your book online for every available reader. He also links to a free guide to formatting your book.

The section I like best is part three. Here, Gaughran allows thirty-three self published authors share their own stories. Each one has seen varying degrees of success, and I really appreciate that Gaughran is not promising bestseller status to anyone who tries self-publishing. Whether published traditionally or not, there are no guarantees. But the stories are inspiring, and can give writers the nudge they need to persevere in whatever publishing path they've chosen.

Let's Get Digital is currently free on Kindle for a few days (normally $2.99), but the author is offering free copies to owners of other devices. It's worth a look. For more information from Gaughran on self publishing, check out his Let's Get Digital blog.

 I'm still on the fence about whether I'll try self-publishing, so I'm learning all I can about it. How about you?


  1. This is great Debbie! Just downloaded my copy. Thank you!

  2. What a great resource! Downloading it now. :) Love the sound of the entire book, but the author stories really intrigue me. As a self-pubbed author, I need encouragement and a reality check every day. Not the kind of check that says it's impossible to succeed in this industry. I need to know that SOMEONE out there is making it. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Timely concept, Debbie--thanks for the heads up as to this ebook.

    I have a friend who decided to self-publish her book. About a year later, her book placed first in a local literary contest recognizing outstanding books in several different categories. After receiving that award--which my friend presumed would result in a shiny blue ribbon only--she was contacted by a traditional publisher interested in her as an author. Not too shabby, I'll say! :-)

    Enjoy the weekend!

  4. Glad you all got a copy. And that's great news about your friend, Janette! It's amazing what can happen when you get yourself out there.

