More on what to bring to a writing conference

Here's a round up of posts on being ready for your next writing conference. I'm a the Pikes Peak Writing Conference right now, so these are the things on my mind! I'll try to take good notes so I can share what I've learned.

Always Prepared: What to bring to a writing conference, Part 1  What I bring.

Always Prepared: What to Bring to a Writing Conference, Part 2 What other writers suggest.

Meeting Virtual Friends for Real The fun of meeting up with your online friends.

When an Agent Asks for Your Manuscript  Stop and think before you send.

Pinkies Up: Writing Conference Etiquette Manners matter.  

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. You too! Have a great time at the conference!

  2. Thanks! It's been fun but exhausting so far. One more day!


  3. Glad you're enjoying the conference, Debbie! Thank you for taking the time to post helpful links here.

    Have fun and get some good sleep when you come home, will ya? ;-)

  4. Thanks, Janette! I had a wonderful time, got some good sleep last night, and just posted a recap of the conference here:

    Now it's off to edit my first 30 pages. :)

