The Down and Dirty on Deep POV

Right now I'm fine tuning my manuscript in preparation for pitching to an agent next month. One of the things I'm looking at is whether I've done a good job (and a consistent one) with deep point-of-view. Since I might not be the only one thinking about this,  I checked around to see what resources are available to those writers looking to take the plunge.

First up is the amazing free ebook from Jordan McCullom, Take the Plunge Into Deep Point of View. It compiles a huge blog series she posted on the topic of deep POV. With thirty pages and eleven topics, it's a great primer for those who need to get a handle on what deep POV is, and how to make sure it shows up in your writing.

Savvy Authors has a great explanation in Demystifying Deep POV in 5 Minutes or Less. You'll find great examples where author Liz Pelletier takes a snippet of fiction and shows how to make it evolve into deeper POV.

Girls with Pens shares how to make deep POV enrich your dialogue. Read the five ways to make it happen, and how to work around problems.

On RT Book Reviews, there are four tips for deep POV. Find out what needs to be deleted and what not to do.

From The Muse Online Writers Conference, Christopher Hoare helps writers decide if they even want to use deep POV. Just a hint: once you read his examples, you'll be a believer.

And lastly, TalkToYoUniverse offers a nine-item checklist for deep POV.

Have you ever examined your manuscript for deep POV?


  1. Thanks for the helpful links and insights...I've never though much about POV!

  2. It's something I'm working on to make my manuscript stronger. Hope it's helpful for you!


  3. I have to admit, this is the first I've heard of this concept, Debbie. It seems interesting and engaging, thank you for sharing!

  4. It's always fun to learn something new! There's never an end to the things to learn about the craft of writing.


  5. Um... No, no I haven't examined my manuscript for deep POV. But I need to! Thanks for the post and the great links, Debbie. I've got my work cut out for me. ;)

  6. I know. This is something I have to stay aware of. I'm sure my scenes don't use this to its best advantage!


  7. Thanks so much for the kind words and the link, Debbie! I'm so glad you found it helpful. I think POV is a great way to connect with the character's voice and can really make or break a novel.

    I'm thinking about making another volume of the POV eBook soon. It's one of my most popular writing guides.

    Thanks again!

  8. You're welcome, Jordan. I love your ebooks! Another volume would be so cool!

