Succumbed at Last

Today, February 20th, marks the two-month anniversary of my family's Season of Sickness. On December 20th, the first of my four children got sick with what would be a three-round-of-antibiotics-bronchitis. Since then, we haven't had one day where between one and four of us endured the flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, or the stomach bug.

Except me.

Even though I've been the one constantly in the face of each patient, I've felt fine. Which is good, since they all needed someone to take care of them.

But it looks like my time has come.

I hope it won't last long. I hope I won't need to sleep all the time. And I hope I can do some writing while I'm laid up.

I checked to see if other writers have tried to write while they're sick. Surprisingly, there was a lot out there. So even while I hope you stay healthy, here are some posts that might encourage you on your sick bed.

I absolutely love this post by SurlyMuse's Daniel Swenson. Writing While You're Sick, Tired, or Just Hate the World gives six practical but funny pieces of advice.

Sarah Wilson shares highlights from an interview with author Laura Hillenbrand of Seabiscuit fame. Hillenbrand has managed to fit successful writing into a life crippled by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Brian's situation at Anocial sounds like mine. Lots of sick kids, and he's the go-to guy. It's hard to work on bringing in an income when you can't actually take a day off.

Susannah Windsor Freeman, author of Write It Sideways, endured acute bronchitis while pregnant with twins (and caring for a toddler!). She shares how to keep up your writing when you're sick.

Do you try to write when you're sick? Maybe you just brainstorm, or do nothing at all. Hopefully, I'll see you Wednesday!


  1. Oh no! I hate that you're not feeling well, but hopefully someone can take care of YOU now. Milk it for a few days longer and take a vacation! ;)

  2. Thanks, Shelley. I was really hoping to meet last week, but Matt & Emily were down with the flu. Don't want to visit those germs on you guys!


  3. Feel better soon! I know Matt will take god care of you!

  4. Feel better, Debbie. Wishing you restored health stat!

  5. Thank you so much Roz and Janette! Fortunately Matt is home today, and he's much more recovered.


  6. And to think with all the "bugs" you can still share great info' with us. Thanks! Hope you're feeling better soon :-)

  7. Oh dear! I had the stomach flu after Christmas and was so sick I couldn't do anything. But usually when I'm not feeling well I lay low and use it as an excuse to read. Feel better soon!

  8. Thanks for the good wishes, Kenda and Charlotte. It's nice my husband is home today. And I have been reading!


  9. Being sick really sucks...but I've always felt that at least if you have to have a day off work, you can get some writing done. ;)

  10. So true, Trisha. I'm glad everyone had the day off today. My son just got sick (again), giving us 5 out of six at the moment.


  11. Feel better soon, Debbie.
    Don't write.

  12. I do a great deal of sleeping... or did, with my most recent two-wee illness. Good luck to you, Debbie! I hope you get lots of writing done!

  13. I hope you were able to rest and take the day off. I always find when I'm sick, my mind goes into overdrive about all the things I want to do. In reality, I just need to rest. Hoping the kiddos all recover too.

  14. It's Swensen. Thanks very much for the link, and hope you feel better soon. :)

  15. Thanks, Daniel. I really loved your post!


  16. Debbie, I really hate to tell on your husband here, but he said Friday night that you were the only one who hadn't been sick and he thought you had Special Mom Immunities. Well, clearly by his speaking it out loud to someone else, he ruined it. LOL!

    Seriously, I'm sorry you're ill. :( No fun! Please get better soon! Love and hugs!

  17. I hate seasons when it feels like it will never end... But it always does. Hope everyone gets well and stays well now for a long time.
    I write when I'm sick... I find it less taxing than looking after the kids.

  18. @Angela: Yes, I guess he ruined it! But I was only partially sick, so the SMI must be working somewhat!

    @Michelle: Hopefully we'll get through all this illness. It can't last forever!


  19. Debbie, I hope you had a lot of support when you were sick. I can see that in spite of your illness you continued to write. You're amazing!
    I joined a couple of the sites you mentioned in today's post. Great stuff!
    My Best,

  20. Great! I feel like I accomplished something. :) My husband (who was more recovered by the time I got sick), took care of the rest of us. He did a great job!

