Reaching the Finish Line: 54 Tips to help you finish your novel

You're almost there. The finish line is so close you can see it. But your muscles are burning, your energy is flagging, and suddenly taking a break is the most important thought in your mind. 

Do you push on? Or give in?

Writing a novel is a huge undertaking. Once the excitement of the brainstorming is gone, and you've written all the scenes that pop fully written into your head, you've officially come to the hard part. The part where you have to make yourself work.

Sure, there are some writers who happily tap out words day in and day out with no problem at all, but for most of us, there will come days when the pile of laundry looks more interesting than the next chapter.

So, in honor of writers who have hit a wall, here are some links to resources that might give you the energy you need to keep going.

22 Sam Horn shares nearly two dozen inspirational quotes to get your butt in the chair. Many of them are quotes I'd never heard before.

3 On Published & Profitable, Robert C. Parker lists three reasons why authors need help finishing their books, and what to do about it.

5 Write It Sideways boils down five reasons writers stop writing. Are you guilty of any of them?

12 Roger Parker comes up with twelve practical ways for writers to finish their books on time. Number two was my favorite.

8 Writing teacher Holly Lisle shares eight interesting ways to get to "the end".

4 And Writer's Digest boils finishing your novel into four simple steps.

If you want some more in-depth help to finish your book, here are two free courses to check out:

Timothy Hallinan's Finish Your Novel course's Novelist's Bootcamp course

Have you ever been stuck? Are you stuck now? What techniques have you discovered to get yourself going again?


  1. I am notorious for leaving things "incomplete".... this applies to all of my activities whether its knitting, embroidery, painting, exercising or writing.... Maybe this is my character flaw!! But great advice and I surely will try to act on at least half of it!!

  2. I've changed my writing habits this year, so I'm breaking through to write. It's been good so far. I'll bookmark this as I get closer to the end. I hope the new blog schedule is helping. If you posted once a week, I'd still be reading. :)

  3. Doing it again, Deborah--the right direction at the right time. Thanks.

  4. @Marjaan: I'm the same way. Finishing is difficult for me, but I can start a million things!

    @Stacy: You're definitely inspiring me with your writing schedule. And thanks so much for your encouragement!

    @Jack: It's me that needs the direction! Thanks for stopping by.


  5. Can't wait to check out these links. Thanks so much, Debbie :-)

  6. Hope they help you keep going, Kenda! Love the photos in your post!

