Celebrating a Milestone: 200 Followers

When I started blogging in late 2009, I really didn't know much about it. I wasn't aware of statistics, etiquette, or anything about followers. I just blindly jumped in, muddled about for a while, and finally settled on a focus: sharing writing resources with others on the journey to publication.

Way back then, I was lucky to garner a few readers each day, along with the occasional comment. Things have changed, and so have I. I really love the interaction of a blog. Discovering new blogs when I comment back to visitors who stop by. Developing relationships with people around the world, despite the fact we may never meet.

Blogging is work, but it's so worthwhile. Today is a day to say thank you to everyone who has taught me and enriched my life in the writing world. And thank you to Teri, who just became the 200th follower! I appreciate each and every one of you!

How has blogging (or reading blogs) made a difference for you?


  1. Congratulations! 200 followers is quite a feat.

    Blogging gives me a purpose and helps me keep my perspective. The theme of my blog - confessing truth in the face of fear - helps me overcome those scary monsters in the recesses of my mind. Lol.

  2. Thanks, Shelley. I love your reasons for blogging. And you've taken a huge step by releasing your amazing book!


  3. Woo hoo. Congratulations Debbie. I love all the people I get to meet on my blog and am happy to have met you in the blogosphere and in person. :)

  4. Congratulations! Your blog is such a great resource, and I've enjoyed getting to know you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry, a major grammar issue necessitated the removal of my previous comment which read (in its corrected version):

    Yay! That's awesome. Your blog is a real asset, I must say, and will remain safe forever from future blog purges!

  7. @Lisa: Though you and I have different passions, it's fun pursuing them together!

    @Stacy: Thanks so much. I hope I'll see you at the schmooze Sunday!

    @Faith: You're so encouraging! And I love Madeline L'Engle, too!

    @Sonia: So glad I don't have to worry about being purged! And that you're feeling better, too.


  8. Congratulations, Debbie, on 200 followers! We've all benefited from the resources you point us to, so thanks again :-) And I agree, blogging is a great thing--all the people we meet, the writing tips and encouragement, and the opportunity to sharpen our writing skills at the same time. I'm still in!

  9. Thanks, Kenda. Ten years ago, I couldn't have imagined the people I had yet to meet!


  10. It's a great way to hone your writing skills, meet new people, gather info and links to share with others...there's a big world out in cyberspace!

  11. Right, Jarm. There is so much information out there, it's nice to connect with a few people one-on-one.

