Start Earning Free Books with #SwagBucks

Writers are readers. And readers can't get enough books. Since royalty dollars are not rolling my way, I need to find other ways to satisfy my craving. 
I definitely use the library, and borrow books from friends. I find free books for my Kindle through Pixel of Ink. And I trade books I don't want for those I do on PaperbackSwap and BookMooch.

But when I want my own copy of certain books, I need to break down and just buy them. It got a lot easier once I found SwagBucks.

SwagBucks is a Google-powered search engine that rewards users for many of their searches. As you accumulate points, you can exchange them for tangible prizes. Sure, you can save up for an iPhone or a music album. But I like to turn my points into Amazon gift cards. That way, I'm able to buy the books languishing on my wish list.

It's easy to sign up for SwagBucks. You can even install their toolbar so you don't have to remember to head to their site to do a search. The SwagBucks site keeps track of your points, and offers many other ways to earn points, as well.

This week happens to be Spirit Week, where they're giving away lots more points with special promotions. Take a few minutes to sign up, and try doing all your searches on SwagBucks today. See how many points you accumulate. One hint that helps me: when I get a page of search results, I always click on the second and third page of results. Sometimes that helps generate the rewards. 

I did a quick search just now, and won $10 in SwagBucks. Give it a try. Just click on the banner above, or the banner on the right side of the blog to get started.

Are you a SwagBucks member? What do you use your rewards for? Do you have other ways of picking up the books you're longing for?


  1. I love me some Swagbucks too! hugs :O)

  2. I saw you posted about Swagbucks, too. It's such a great way for me to keep to my budget!


  3. Always introducting new things ... I need to check this out.

  4. An example of a reward is 450 Swagbucks=a $5 Amazon card. It doesn't take that long to build up. Part of my Kindle was paid for this way!


  5. Ohh, this is really cool! Thank you for the info Debbie!

  6. Hope you earn lots of stuff, Trisha!


  7. I had no idea ... but thanks to you, I do now!

  8. It's amazing what you can earn in a few searches a day. Hope it works well for you!

