Free Resources for Setting Up Your Author Website

Aspiring authors have a difficult decision. Besides writing, editing, and getting critiqued, they have to figure out when they're ready to submit to agents, then write a query and synopsis. And on top of that, there's the choice of when to set up an author website.

It feels weird to think about a professional website when you may not have a book contract, or even an agent yet. But at the same time, you hear how important it is to have a place interested agents and publishers can visit to learn about you.

Thankfully, mystery and romance author Jordan McCollum has put together an ebook that examines all the angles and gives great advice an links. Culled from a blog series she posted, the free ebook is a great tool for writers making this important decision.

McCollum details nine things an author website must do (and includes seven things an author website must have). 

Writers often agonize over whether their blog is enough of a web presence. McCollum shares how to make a basic free blog more like a website, but also explains the pros and cons between Blogger and Wordpress services, including advice on hosting.

If you write more than one genre, you'll appreciate McCollum's analysis of how many websites you need. She also touches on topics like how much personal information to include, and setting up and evaluating goals for your website. Also included are tips on site layout and typography, and how to make your pages search engine friendly.

Head over to McCollum's site to download Aspiring Author Websites, and let me know what you think!

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