Free Plot Tools from Save the Cat

You may be so over plotting now that NaNoWriMo has come and gone, but there will always be another novel. It's long past time I shared the fantastic resources from Blake Snyder's Save the Cat! website.

Snyder's name is well-known for helping screenwriters wrap their brains around plot, and writers around the world swear by his methods in plotting their novels. Though Snyder passed away in 2009, he left many resources for writers. You can buy his Save the Cat! book (and there are other books, as well), and he even has Save the Cat software.

But I want to make sure you're aware of the free tools he offers on his website. If you can't attend a Save the Cat! Workshop, you might be interested in the free downloads on the tools page. There are breakdowns of movies so you can see how the pacing works. You'll find sheets to fill in with your own 'beats', and tips on writing comedy and horror.

Also helpful is the active Save the Cat! Forum, where writers can hash out their plots with the help of others.

Have you ever used screenwriting techniques in your writing?


  1. We're do people at my house, but I think I need to check out this cat site, especially the Wedding Crashers beat sheet and the comedy sheet might help with picture books.

  2. Good resources for writers to look at. thanks for sharing. :O)

  3. I want to go save that kitty right now!!

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Stacy, Diane, & Trisha. Yes, I do feel sorry for that cat--it reminds me of mine!


  5. I haven't, I must admit, ever even attempted to write a screen play. However, I'm going to enrol in April's script frenzy and give it a shot next year. Who knows what will happen?

  6. Somehow I have a feeling you'll complete three screenplays with ease, and maybe find an additional career!


  7. Debbie, it's interesting that you mention this book. It's in my Amazon wishlist right now. I am reading 2 other books on screenplays at the moment that help me to a) write MY dream screenplay and b) be a better storyteller/writer. I have found index cards to be very helpful as I organize my plots and acts. Thanks, again, for a very helpful post!

    P.S. Thanks to the support from the wonderful blogs that I follow, I now have my first children's book in Kindle format available through Amazon! Inspired by questions my son asked when he was 4, we cowrote "Mommy, How Many Numbers Are There?" available through the end of the year for $1.99. My new discovery: the Kindle reading app is free for Iphones and Androids. Yay!

  8. Hope your screenplay is a breeze to write. You may want to join NaNoWriMo's April ScriptFrenzy. Congratulations on the children's book! Are you a member of SCBWI? It's a great organization.


  9. Thanks! I haven't heard of ScriptFrenzy. Yes, I am a member of SCBWI. So much help there! Thanks again for sharing the "cat" website. So sad about the author, but how awesome his website lives on.

  10. That's what's wonderful about the internet. Great things live on. Check out Even though it doesn't start till April, there are a lot of resources on the site.

