NaNoWriMo Begins!

Today is day one of NaNoWriMo. It's not too late for you to sign up, even if you've been sitting on the fence. Let's face it. November is not the ideal month to do anything. We're approaching the holidays, there are events, and jobs, and chores, and life to deal with. 

But think about it this way: if you can make yourself write in the middle of all that, you can make yourself write in the middle of marketing, interviews, revisions, and book signings.

This post is short today because I'm trying to get a good start on my novel. I hope you are, too.

Don't forget to enter the drawing for a manuscript critique. It's a great way to help a child and maybe win something for yourself! I'll leave the drawing open through Friday, November 4th.

Tomorrow I'll have my regular book review, and this time, the book is free! Make sure to stop by.

Can you make yourself write, even when life is crazy?


  1. Thanks, Stacy! I reached my goal for today, but I'm trying to do extra, since we've got five medical appointments tomorrow. We'll see if the snow lets us get there!


  2. Always a good idea to plan ahead. It sounds like you're off to a great start!

  3. Thanks. I wish I could be home all day to write tomorrow, since we're having a blizzard, but I'll be on the road.


  4. Hey, I just discovered your blog today and it's great. I want to put a link to it on my blog,

  5. Thank you so much, Marsha! When I get my blogroll up, you'll be there.

