How a Blog Establishes a Fiction Writer's Platform

Let's face it. Non-fiction writers have it easy. They can slap up a blog on the topic they write about, they can solicit speaking gigs and radio interviews, and suddenly they're an expert. Publishers love this stuff. So many opportunities to sell books.

But what about the poor fiction writer? How can a novelist spin a blog into something readers will want to check out? Here are a few ideas:

1. Decide where you're different. Do you have a theme that runs through your novels? Maybe your main character is always a single parent. Or there's recurring story threads that have to do with human trafficking. Maybe all your novels take place on the coast of New England. If you can find something your novels have in common, you've found a great blog topic.

2. Generate genre ideas. If you write mysteries, pull together posts that would interest your readers. Like interviews with law enforcement, or medical personnel. An analysis of blood spatters or fingerprints. Whatever genre you write, both writers and readers want to know more. And you've probably already done most of the research. This is also a great way to do a group blog. Find a few writers in your genre and take turns posting what you've learned.

3. Rein in the resources. In your travels through the world wide web, you've come across websites that others probably won't bump into in their lifetime. Set your blog up to share those, and the nice byproduct is you'll have all your favorites collected in one place. This is one of my ulterior motives!

Try to title or subtitle your blog with the focus you've decided on. That way, when a reader is scanning Google results, they'll know what your blog is about.

If you're still having trouble coming up with a direction for your blog, check out these great posts:

Author Jody Hedlund on The Purpose of Blogging for Fiction Writers

Michael Hyatt on 13 Blog Post Ideas for Novelists

Does your blog have a focus? What inspires your posts?


  1. This is a difficult question Debbie. I began blogging in 2009 on the non-fiction topic (caregiving). It wasn't easy, because while my memoir-in-progress deals with this issue I wasn't living it every day, so it didn't seem to work out. The blog now focuses on ... ah, the doomed writing topic. It's been fun in November focusing solely on picture books. But, that's not all I write, so I'm going over your ideas ...

  2. Stacy, I think you do a great job focusing your blog. And your readership & Twitter followers attests to it!


  3. Great post that for the tips

  4. There are so many blogs out there. This has to be the toughest thing, to find your unique self through a blog.
    Thanks for the great ideas!

  5. Thanks, Michelle!

    Deana, you're so right. It took me a while to find a focus. My early posts were all over the place!

