A free self-publishing webinar, plus Seth Godin

Writer's Digest is offering another free webinar, titled Seven Secrets of Successful Self-Published Authors. This one will air on Tuesday, November 15th at 2:30pm Eastern Time. If the time doesn't work for you, sign up anyway. After the webinar, you'll receive a link to listen to the workshop any time for a full year.

Here's the blurb about the webinar:

Why is it that some writers are able to reach their publishing goal and market their books successfully while others never get it done?  

Keith Ogorek, SVP of marketing for Author Solutions and self published author of two books, shares seven secrets he’s learned from his own experience working with hundreds of authors that will help you understand your publishing options and the key things to know about effective marketing.  Confused or overwhelmed by the changes in publishing today?  This seminar will help you gain clarity about your opportunities.
It only takes a minute to sign up for the webinar. You'll get an email that day to remind you to listen in, or you can wait for the replay email.

You might be interested in Keith Ogorek's blog, The Indie Book Writers Blog. He's been posting videos from Seth Godin on the future of publishing, and traditional and Indie publishing. Here's one of the videos to give you an idea of Godin's views. I had no idea that the New York Times Bestseller list worked this way! Check out Ogorek's blog for more.

Stay tuned for more on the future of publishing, and the impact of self-publishing on Monday.
What's your opinion on 'buying yourself' onto the NYT Bestseller list?


  1. Debbie, this is fabulous. I've signed up! I'm gearing up to launch my novel and I need all the education I can get. You rock!!!!!

  2. Okay, that's super cool! thanks for sharing Debbie.

  3. Glad you guys signed up. I'll be at an appointment, but I'm looking forward to listening to the replay!

