NaNoWriMo Countdown: Check out this free workbook

There are only a few days left to finish planning for your NaNoWriMo novel. You may be feeling overwhelmed at the amount of details you need to get together to start your story. I have a couple of free resources that may help you get a grip on your manuscript idea.

NaNoWriMo also hosts the Young Writers Program, where kids from elementary grades through high school are encouraged to set goals and write during the month of November. They've put together several free ebooks for kids of different ages. Though you're not likely a teenager, the high school version of the workbook is an excellent resource for writers.

You'll find helpful exercises and charts to walk you through characterization, plot, setting, and every issue you might encounter. Check out the 91-page book (remember, it's free) to see if it might help you pull your thoughts together.

There's another resource you might want to look at. Author Lazette Gifford has been doing NaNoWriMo since 2001, and she finishes every year--sometimes more than doubling the expected wordcount. She has written an ebook of her own, NaNo for the New and the Insane, and she gives it away on her website.

In Gifford's 131-page book, she shares how to prepare, how to break down the project into manageable goals, and all kinds of hints and tips from her many years of writing in November.

What resources are you using to get ready?


  1. Great resources Debbie. I can't wait to hear about your NaNoWriMo efforts. November will certainly be buzzing with words!

  2. You find some of the neatest resources, Debbie!

  3. Stacy- I hope you get lots of ideas down during PiBoIdMo!

    Beth- Are you participating in Susan May Warren's challenge? I'm thinking about it.


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