Get 'em while they're hot: Fresh #NaNoWriMo Resources

The fever is building. NaNoWriMo is everywhere. Maybe you're ready. Maybe you've signed up, but your plot is in tatters. Maybe you're just now thinking about jumping on the train.

I planned to collect helpful NaNoWriMo resources to post today, but someone has beaten me to it! So I invite you to check out Wrimos FTW!, where writer Lyn Midnight and friends keep writers rolling in 'Wrimo resources.

The blog began recently, and one of the features I like best is the weekly roundup of NaNoWriMo resources around the web.

The first collection alerted me to the wonderful StoryFix NaNoWriMo workshop that's going on right now.

The second collection mentions some free ebooks and cheat sheets, and even lists one of my posts! (thanks, Lyn!)

One post reveals the mindset of a writer who has never tackled a novel before.

If you're wondering what you can do now to warm up for NaNoWriMo, this post is a good one.

And what if you're a NaNo Rebel? (meaning you're working on manuscript you've already started) That's ok, and here's why.

I spent the weekend working on the plot for my NaNoWriMo story. It really helped to spend some time brainstorming with my critique group. Many minds make better plots. 

How about you? What are you doing to prepare for November 1st?


  1. I only do kids' books so I don't think NaNoWriMo applies to me. Hope you get some awesomeness out of this coming month! :O)

  2. One way of being a 'rebel' is writing something other than a novel. Some people write songs, poems, non-fiction, and even picture books. You can set yourself a goal, and whatever you accomplish may be more than you would have otherwise.

    Thanks for stopping by, Diane!


  3. I'm sharing this with my NaNoWriMo friends. I'll have to check out that rebel link too.

  4. I was so excited to come across this. And I would have missed it if I hadn't found the link in my analytics.

    I'm always a Nano rebel. Though this year I'm closer to the 'rules' than I've ever been. I'm only writing 4K of the story before Nov. 1st, because I'm sending it to PPW for the contest.


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