Writing Groups: Scribophile

 For some reason, this post is one of the most searched-for on my blog. I thought it worth running again, for those that haven't heard of this great group.

Writing is a solitary profession. But even the most introverted writer needs encouragement. To battle the ever-present negative comments in their head. To share ideas when they're stuck. To commiserate over rejections. And to celebrate the successes.

Joining an in-person writer's group is wonderful, and nothing beats meeting face to face. But maybe you live in a remote place. Or you're an expat who can't find writers who speak your language. Perhaps you write at odd hours.

This is where an online group shines.

It doesn't matter the hour. Someone, somewhere in the world is awake, and ready to connect.

I've highlighted quite a few writers groups so far, but I haven't come close to exhausting them. I hope that one of them is just the right fit for you.

Today's group is Scribophile (Thanks to member Joshua Morris for cluing me in!). Scribophile is a warm and welcoming group of writers who aim to connect and critique each other's work.

Sign up is free, and even if you've never critiqued someones writing before, you'll learn quickly with Scribophile's templates. When you critique, you earn "Karma Points", which can be redeemed when you post your own work for review. The site guarantees at least three well-thought-out critiques for each of your submissions.

Beyond the critique aspect, you can join "circles" of writers with similar interests, or those that share your geographical area. There's also an active forum, where all the members discuss a variety of topics relating to writing and publication.

Check out the Scribophile Blog for posts on all aspects of writing (a recent post was entitled "9 Things To Do While Waiting For a Response To Your Query"). The folks at Scribophile also host regular contests for members.

Do you prefer an online or in-person group, or both? I'd love to hear what makes you lean towards one or the other.


  1. I've never heard of that--it sounds amazing. I am lucky to have lots of great writing friends, either local or met through local writers, so I guess I'm partial to knowing my critiquers. But it's nice to know that great online critique sites like that exist!

  2. I've done some online groups, and they've been very good. But like you, I love to see people's expressions, and the ability to get to know my fellow critiquers in person.


  3. Good stuff Debbie, thanks for reposting!
