NetGalley: A Book Reviewer's Paradise

One of the things I try to do as a writer is read whenever I can. I read in my genre, and I read outside my genre. Each book, good or not-so-good, furthers my education as a writer, my understanding of the craft, and my knowledge of what to do and not to do.

But books cost money. I wish I had an unlimited budget to buy every book I want to read, but that's not realistic. Some I buy. Some I borrow from friends or the library. Some I even find for free or low-cost on Kindle.

Publishers give away copies of new books to reviewers, hoping to spread the word. If you'd like to review for a particular publisher, check their website to see if you can sign up for physical or digital copies of their new releases.

Another option is netGalley. This is a site where dozens of publishers post their books. Once a reviewer sets up a profile, they can browse the offerings and request digital galleys. You can browse by recent offerings, by genre, or by publisher.

If the publisher accepts the request, you get an email alerting you that the book is ready for download. Most publishers have several download options. Some are even available as Kindle books. After a book is read, the reader posts their review on the site.

So far, I've read three YA books through the site, a memoir and two historical novels. All three are books I likely wouldn't have come across otherwise. It's a win-win situation. I'm reading more widely and learning from the authors, and my reviews will hopefully help others become aware of great books.

Do you review books? How do you choose which ones to review?


  1. I review books.

    My main source comes from publishers, NetGalleys and the authors themselves. I believe that if you're not absolutely enthralled by the premise of the novel, you shouldn't request. After a while, the pile builds up, and if you're not in love with the premise, you're going to keep putting it off. So, I usually have a look at the blurb, and if I'm interested, I go to Goodreads and have a look at the general sort of consensus and see if I'm still interested, and then I go from there.

    I really don't like giving negative reviews for books I've requested, so I try and pick the ones that I'm really anticipating or optimistic about.

  2. I love the way you think. I'm with you. I'd much rather review a book I know I'll like, even if I find a few flaws in the process. And I love how dedicated you are as a reviewer!


  3. Debbie,

    This site is a great idea and a way of connecting writers with interested readers. I read reviews all of the time (and sometimes publish some myself!). I may not always agree with the reviewer, but I always appreciate the different take on the same material.

    You have such thoughtful tips. Thank you for this post!

    Be well.

  4. You're welcome, Janette. I love browsing reviews on Amazon. It's so interesting to see different opinions on the same book.


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