Agent Friday: Sarah LaPolla

Sarah LaPolla is an associate agent with Curtis Brown, Ltd. She has been there since 2008, and represents both adult and YA fiction and non-fiction. She writes her own YA fiction when she gets the chance.

LaPolla blogs at Big Glass Cases, and has posted some really wonderful and helpful articles for aspiring writers. But beyond that, she also posts short fiction from her blog readers. Check out her site to see how you can be published on her blog.

Here are several of her blog posts that inspired me:

How to Get an MFA in Five Steps: LaPolla comments on the free MFA book (check it out here) offered on Amazon, and gives her own take on giving yourself an education in creative writing.
Things You Didn't Do: A list of items an enthusiastic queryer may have forgotten.

What the Fudge?: A thoughtful post on using strong language in fiction. When it works, and when it's distracting.
Do Endings Matter?: LaPolla examines the differences between satisfying and unsatisfying endings.

What I talk about when I talk about Revisions: The three things that most need work in a manuscript.

Triangles of Love: The ins and outs of love triangles in fiction.

The Beta and the Omega: If you're in the market for beta readers, you must read this post. LaPolla lists who your beta readers should not be.

My Inevitable Prologue Post: LaPolla doesn't care for prologues. Here, she explains why. See if your prologue should stay or go.

I've learned so much from spending a little time reading LaPolla's posts. I'll definitely be checking out more of her archives! What resonated with you?


  1. Great post, Debbie, and so timely. :) I love the link "The Beta and The Omega."

  2. I was thinking of you with that one!


  3. Thanks for this post, Debbie. As my time because more and more pressed, I find that I am becoming much more discriminating about which "help" blogs I make time to read. Good post...and I will be spending some precious time reading from these links.

  4. I'm honored, Teresa! What a high compliment!

