WriteOnCon Recap, Day 3

Last day, I promise. Again, the WriteOnCon organizers and presenters have outdone themselves. Check out what happened on Thursday:

Ask A Bookbuyer by bookbuyers Faith Hochhalter and Brandi Stewart

Visual Storytelling by illustrator Eric Wright

10 Traits of an Author by author Amy Dominy

Moments That Matter by author Matt Myklusch

Writing A Great Query by literary agent Jim McCarthy

Respect by author Kiersten White

Live 250-word Pitch Event with literary agent Alyssa Eisner Henkin

Pacing by author Tara Hudson

Live chat with literary agents Marietta Zacker, Joan Paquette, and Michael Bourret

Revision by author Carrie Ryan

Traditional vs. Self-Publishing Live Chat with literary agent Sara Megibow

Dialogue by literary agent Tina Wexler

Live YA Query Letter Event with literary agent Roseanne Wells

Answers to Questions by literary agent Steven Malk

Panel of Professionals (Natalie Fischer, Anica Rissi, Kathleen Ortiz) 

Andrea Brown Lit Chat (Jen Rofe, Kelly Sonnack, Jennifer Laughran, Caryn Wiseman) 

 Now you've got the weekend to catch up! Hopefully I will, too.


  1. I've really enjoyed this online conference. Thanks (as always) for all the links and doing a lot of the work for us.

  2. Thanks, Stacy--I'm so glad you got something out of it.


  3. I am so far behind on my blog reading I might never catch up. So I am just now finding out about this conference. I am looking forward to settling in with my laptop and exploring some of the links you shared a bit later today. Thank you so much for sharing, Debbie!

  4. You're welcome, Pam. I'll be catching up when I get a chance next week.


  5. I'm a wee bit jealous of anyone who gets to attend these sorts of events! Someday, it shall be meeeee!

  6. Great recap! Some of these I missed--many thanks!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  7. You're welcome. Hopefully I'll be able to finish the last of them this week. So glad the links will stay up!

