Seven Free Downloads from Writer's Digest

In the current economy, it really helps if you don't have to pay for everything. So I thought I'd share some finds from the Writer's Digest website. You don't have to subscribe to the magazine (which is wonderful, by the way) to take advantage of their website offerings. Here's what I found:

If those aren't enough, I've listed more free things from Writer's Digest in a previous post.

Note that these are .Pdf files. Hope you enjoy them!


  1. You're welcome, Andrea! Love your post on minor characters. :)


  2. Thanks for your help, Debbie. A quick reading of the first piece on writing short stories shows me what I need to do with my character.

    Cheers, Annis

  3. I'm so glad you found something helpful. Look for another great resource tomorrow. Just found it!


  4. These are great! Gotta love helpful resources.

  5. Thanks a lot for sharing these. Much appreciated.

  6. Ah! The 'Promote Your Work and Yourself' one should prove to be the most useful. Thanks so much, Debbie!

  7. You're welcome Lynda, Liz, & S.M. I have to take the time to read the rest of them.


  8. Thanks so much for these links! I've saved several of them.
