Monday-Write on con

One week from tomorrow, on August 16, the much-anticipated WriteOnCon begins (ending August 18th). If you haven't heard of it, it's a free online writing conference, with all the bells and whistles you'd expect from a professional conference. Though started for children's authors, the information in this conference is valuable for authors of any genre.

Find links to last year's workshops on the What You Missed page. It's like attending the 2010 conference all at once.

And they've recently posted a list of their Ninja Agents. These are agents who have agreed to spend time in the WriteOnCon Forums. Writers post their query letters or a writing sample. The agents will offer feedback--and may even request partials based on what they read. Queries and samples can be posted as early as Monday, August 15. Who could pass up professional feedback on their writing? For all the details, visit the Ninja Agents page.

To see a complete faculty list of authors and agents, check here. And to register for the three power-packed days of information, all the links are here.

Have you attended a conference this year? If not, this could be the one that works out for you.


  1. I'm all registered and ready to go. Looking forward to it.

  2. Thanks for this reminder. I'm been MIA on a family vacation and now back to work ...

  3. Lynda- I'll be registering today. Can't wait.

    Stacy- I know what you mean. Last year I missed it for the same reason!

