Answer the Question: Quizzes for Writers

 When I pick up a magazine with a quiz, I can't help but complete it. There's a niggling curiosity: what will it tell me about myself? I recently saw a writer's quiz mentioned by author Megan DiMaria, who I met at a writer's group. 

It got me wondering if there were other quizzes specific to writers. Google showed me scads of them. I waded through to find the ones that would be helpful to a writer on the road to publication. Have fun with them!
What type of writer should you be? This quiz helps determine the genre you may want to consider.

 Who do you write like? Paste a sample of your writing to discover what famous writer your prose is most similar to. I came up with Anne Rice.

Which crazy writer are you? Take this quiz to see which eclectic writer you are most like. Very tongue-in-cheek!

Beginning Writer's Quiz. How much do you know about the business of writing, particularly freelance writing?

Holly Lisle has a ten-question quiz titled: Are You Right for Writing? It helps to figure out if you have what it takes to be a writer.

The Professional Writer's Aptitude Quiz A quiz for aspiring novelists.

And here are a few quizzes for bloggers:
Should you start a blog? Ten questions to help you find the answer.

What kind of blogger are you? Seven questions to narrow it down. Turns out, I'm a "link blogger".

The 23 Blogger Breeds: Which are you? This one is not exactly a quiz, but insightful descriptions of the different types of bloggers out there. You'll recognize many--maybe even yourself!

 If you'd like to come up with your own quiz, check out Charles Kelly's Online Quiz Generator.

Did you learn something about yourself today? I'd love to hear who you write like.


  1. These were so fun! Thanks for sharing.

  2. It was fun trying them all out, too!


  3. And, a very wonderful link blogger, I might add.... Thanks for another fun resource.

  4. Editor Nick Harrison gave a quiz in a workshop he taught once at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference. It was one of the most memorable workshops I've ever taken--and I learned a lot about myself!

  5. Thank you, Stacy! And you're a wonderful RTer!

    Beth, that sounds like a great quiz. Makes me think it would be interesting to ask frequent contest attendees what their most memorable workhsops were.


  6. Thanks for the shout out, Debbie. I've seen some of those other quizzes, too. There's something about a quiz that just begs to be taken. :)

    You didn't share what your answer was. What kind of writer should you be? Did it align with your genre?

    BTW, I love the name of your blog, it's fun!

    A prisoner of hope,

  7. I have a day off writing. Thanks for these! I'm going to have some fun!

  8. Fun! The analyzer said I write like James Joyce. I've never read his books, but I'll have to now! ;)

  9. Megan: It came up that I should be a film writer. Does that mean all my books should be made into movies? :)

    S.M.: I'd love to hear what your results were.

    Shelley: I don't know it they got it right for you. Joyce is hard to read, but your books suck me in! I'm going to try some different samples to see if it's consistent.


  10. "H.P. Lovecraft." That's what the analysis said.
    I've never really read much Lovecraft. Oddly, the sample text I put in was an email to my mother!
    Should I go see a psychiatrist now?

  11. I haven't read much Lovecraft either. I think I'll try an email to see how it comes out!


  12. I love this idea and am off to take the quiz now. I know what you mean about the allure of quizzes--I can't help but dig in!

    Thank you for these fun and thought-provoking links!

    Be well.

  13. I'd love to know how your quizzes came out!


  14. Hi, Debbie:

    I took a few of the quizzes. I enjoyed the experience and they were pretty quick to fill out. Apparently, I should be a film writer; I write like Rudyard Kipling and J.D. Salinger (I pasted two different blog entries to see if I got different results!) and I'm a "pundit blogger." Not bad results, I'd say.

    These were fun. Thank you for directing me to them!

  15. I ended up with film writer, too, Janette! I wonder if novel writing just lends itself to film. I doubt I'd be a good screenplay writer, though.

