Agent Friday: The Rejecter

Today's agent isn't really an agent, but an agent's assistant. And I don't know if the Rejecter is a man or woman, or their name. But this anonymous assistant is invaluable in helping navigate the do's and don'ts of querying, because it's a whole lot easier to be honest when no one knows who you are.

However, I can see from the posts that The Rejecter is a published fiction author. So, since I can't give you a bio and an agency website, we'll get straight to the posts that caught my eye.

The Rejecter answers questions like:


  1. I hadn't heard of this site. Looks like a lot of good information.

  2. It's new to me, too. Hopefully I'll have time to go further back in the archives.


  3. I've had an agent reject my entire manuscript because she wasn't fond of the ending. She hadn't read it yet, just the first 3 chapters.

    That one really smarted.

    Thanks for the links, as always. I'll dig in once I'm finished my daily word count!

  4. That's a tough rejection. But there's someone out there who will 'get' your writing. Sad that it's like finding a needle in a haystack!


  5. I certainly hope you're right. I'm very attached to this particular project, and I'd love to see it picked up.
