Agent Friday: Dawn Frederick with Red Sofa Literary

We're back with Agent Friday posts again. If you've missed some past agent highlights, click here to catch up. 

Today we have Dawn Frederick of Red Sofa Literary. Along with her interns Gwen Fitzgerald and Jennie Goloboy, she's looking mainly for non-fiction, but also fiction for YA and middle grades. Check out the details of what she's looking for.

The Minnesota-based agent maintains an informative blog, with a series of interviews on a regular basis. Here are some other posts you might enjoy.

We've all seen the many books-turned-blog Cinderella stories. Could your idea bring the same success?  Frederick examines the issue in Is your idea 'blog worthy' or 'book ready'?

Frederick has some great posts on querying:
What not to do during the query process.
What to do with rejection: some stories of making lemonade from lemons.

If you're thinking about a writing conference: preparing for the conference, and what to do after the conference.

On Marketing:

And, in this interesting post introducing her interns, Frederick asks them how their opinion of the publishing industry has changed now that they're more familiar with the business. Interesting and hopeful answers.

Do you think there's still hope for traditional publishing?
How long do you see it lasting?


  1. I'm not ready to query, but appreciated her query checklist. I also enjoyed the link on platform. Lots of useful information.

  2. Oh and I was afraid to look at the changes link. I heard something the other day about changes to the music industry and it made me think: I haven't purchased a real CD in three or four years. If I hear a song, I like purchase it from iTunes. A lot of businesses are changing.

  3. It was encouraging to hear that despite all the gloom and doom, traditional publishing sounds like it'll be around awhile--though it will go through changes.

    I like digital music, too. I can always burn a new cd when I scratch one! And I love Pandora for finding new music.


  4. Informative post--appreciate all the links!

  5. If I had my way, traditional publishing would stay foreva and eva. Because I can't stand the idea of only being able to read eBooks ;)

  6. I agree. A 'Farenheit 451' world would be devastating. While I love the convenience of ebooks, you can't build a wood-paneled library for them!

