Traditional vs. Self-Publishing: An Agent's Point of View

Is there a future for traditional publishing? Or is the behemoth dying a slow death? Literary Agent Steve Laube tackles the question. As a long-time agent and a founder of a press for self-published authors, he is in a unique position to speak on the topic.

I highlighted Steve Laube in an Agent Friday post not too long ago. He's got a great blog.

Recently, Laube has posted a "Defense of Traditional Publishing" in five parts. I've been waiting for the entire series to be complete before I linked to it here.

So here are the five parts:

Take a few minutes to read Laube's thoughtful analysis. You'll be better able to offer your own opinions on the subject. It will be a hot topic for a long time to come.

Do you think traditional publishing has a future?


  1. What a tremendously informative post,Debbie! I'm sending this to a bunch of folks I know will be interested. Thank you so much for posting this.

  2. You're welcome, Les! Looking forward to your new book.


  3. I think traditional publishing may change as we know it, but it will be around for a long time. Look at newspapers. They are still here, but have changed with the times (of course, with a less profitability). I scanned through the posts and the final one had the information I keep returning to on the self-publishing topic: the legal issues. While one agent I follow mentioned some folks might want to self-publish a memoir, I still want the safety nets of a traditional publisher. I mean "The Help" author was sued and that's fiction.

  4. Brilliant! I'm reading the articles today! Thanks once again, Debbie, for your informative posts. I'm so glad I found you!

  5. Stacy: I agree that traditional publishing will stick around, though the self-publishing end of things will force some changes. I didn't know about the author of 'The Help' being sued. I'll have to look that up.

    S.M.: You're welcome! Keep on inspiring me with your amazing word counts. If I could write that much, I'd have a dozen books under my belt by now!


  6. Very Informative and an interesting post. Thanks for sharing. THis information is important for new writers to read and understand when looking to get published in one way or another.

  7. You're right, Terri. We all need to have a little background information to make the best decisions.

