In Praise of Independent Bookstores

Yesterday was a wonderful day. My daughter had the day off, and her first choice of activity was to hang out in a bookstore.

We drove to Denver's wonderful Tattered Cover Bookstore (the vintage LoDo location), and I had so much fun introducing her to this gem. The exposed beams and brick, the old lamps and overstuffed chairs make you want to read--or write.

An independent bookstore creates a mood that puts you in a literary frame of mind.

Katie browsed the shelves, while I worked on a scene I'd been mulling over on the drive there. The difficult thing was deciding which cozy nook to choose.

Before we left, Katie purchased a set of the complete Sherlock Holmes. I told her that not only did she add to her (ever-expanding) personal library, but she now possessed a souvenir from the Tattered Cover. She decided that when she puts her name in a book, she'll include the bookstore where she bought it, as a remembrance.

Of course, talking writing on the way there and back gave us the best bookends a day could have.

Do bookstore visits make you want to write--or just curl up and read?


  1. I've never been to the LoDo location. Now I'm thinking it's time for a family field trip!

  2. Definitely! The store is at the north end of the 16th Street Mall, so after hanging in the bookstore you can jump on the free bus and cruise down to check out the rest of the mall.


  3. What a fun day you had with your daughter. Great mother-daughter bonding time!

    I adore the atmosphere of an independent bookstore. Makes me want to curl up and read, and also people-watch! It's always interesting to see who ends up in what aisle. Afterward, the experience and all of the impressions I took away from it make me want to write.

    BTW, I have a Katie, as well. She is still in diapers, but I hope when she is older, she'll want to hang out with Mommy at bookstores, too. :-)

  4. I love your daughter's idea of putting in the bookstore's name where she bought the book. Hopefully it will still be around when she takes her child with her visiting the bookstore.

    Okay, this is not an advertisement for Barnes and Noble, but they have a Kid's Book Club that offers birthday attention. The birthday freebies alone are worth cupcake for your child at their cafe, discount on purchases and chance to make a free digital book online (through Tikatok) by your child. B & N's idea is to help you open your wallet. Just ignore that on your child's birthday and do a 'birthday thing' with them at a bookstore that offers the freebies. You might even want to buy a book they love! Great fun on a budget in a down turn economy.

  5. Janette-You're right about the people-watching. I'm always trying to get a glimpse of what book they're reading. Often, I'm surprised that the person doesn't 'match' the genre. With a writer for a mama, I'm guessing you and Katie will spend lots of time in bookstores.

    Donna-Too bad my kids are past the age for the book club, but it sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate their day and enjoy books, too!


  6. That sounds like an incredible day! How wonderful!

  7. The next time we visit New York City, we've got all kinds of bookstores on our list. :)

