Free Resources from Writer's Digest: 5 Free Ebooks Every Writer Needs

I love Writer's Digest magazine. I learn a huge amount of information with each issue. But did you know that even if you don't subscribe, you can get the weekly Writer's Digest Newsletter for free? 

If you sign up, you'll get a free .pdf file of their fabulous annual list of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. Normally, only subscribers receive it, but you could have it today.

The free newsletter links to solid articles on the craft of writing, marketing, and even a weekly writing prompt. If you haven't sign up yet, I'd zip over there now.

This week's newsletter links to no less than five free books for writers, a couple of which I've highlighted on the blog in the past. The books include:

70 Solutions to Common Writing Mistakes by Bob Mayer

279 Days to Overnight Success by Chris Guillebeau

How to Write a Great Query Letter by Noah Lukeman

What Publishers Want: An Author's Guide by Greenleaf Book Group

Smashwords Book Marketing Guide: How to Market Any Book for Free (this one is brand new)

You can find the links for all five books on this Writer's Digest page. The last two are the only ones I didn't have so far. I'll be transferring them to my Kindle for easier reading.

Don't you love free stuff that happens to be useful?


  1. I just saw this earlier today. These books look great...and who can beat free!

  2. Makes me feel all warm inside. :)


  3. Thanks for passing this on! :) You rock!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  4. Thanks, Angela. I love free and useful!

