Your Amazing Blogs

So sorry, everyone! I had this post scheduled to post automatically, and somehow it didn't. Here they are!
On Monday, I asked you to share your blogs with the rest of us. I felt kind of selfish enjoying these wonderful blogs, and now I get to showcase them so you can see what you're missing. I'll share four bloggers today, and four on Monday.

First up is Sonia, whose writer name is S.M. Carrière. I'll tell you that she's a hard-working writer (for example, on Tuesday she wrote 3000 words). She can probably beat the pants off most people on word counts. If she ever sold some of that motivation, I'd be first in line. Her latest post was really fascinating--she examines how characters have a mind of their own.

Here's what she says about her blog, An Author's Journey: My blog is a chronicle of my writing and what it's like trying to get published - everything about it. The fears, frustrations, triumphs etc. Sometimes it's a dull road, so there's filler - a book or movie review, a comment on something else that's happening in my life, or something else.

The primary focus, though, is my writing.

Next is Stacy S. Jensen, with her blog Writing My Way Through Life. She's got a great post up right now, which asks the question, Are You Willing to Get Published? Stacy's description: I share writing topics that interest me as I work on my memoir in progress.

Meet Terri Forehand, a busy writer with two blogs. On her writing blog, Writing and other ways into the heart of the matter...for kids, she's going through the alphabet, sharing writing ideas for each letter. The latest was J for Journaling. She says: Hi, I'm Terri. I have two blogs. The first is for those interested in writing for children, and beginning writers. It is under my real name so that it is the beginning of a writer's platform for writing for children.

The second blog, Heartfelt Words 4 Kids, is about children who are ill and their parents. It started out as just a blog about children, cancer, and terminal illness in kids but it has broadened to more childhood illnesses and resources, book reviews, and some generic nursing advice... some of the stuff your nurse may not have time to tell you. I have a passion for children who deal with life threatening illness and I think more stuff honest and age appropriate, should be written at the kids age level. My goal is to write children's books that address some of their fears and successes and feelings that they don't feel comfortable talking with adults about.

Esther Feng's blog is new to me. It's called For Such a Time As This. I really like how she calls herself a "recovering perfectionist". I can relate. I really connected with her recent post, Stolen Moments, about a day when things really didn't go as planned. Here's how she describes her site: My blog is the place where I write about what my life looks like as I live fully for Jesus. 

I really hope you take a minute to check out these blogs. I'm saving the other four for Monday, because I didn't want them to end up at the bottom of a long post. They need their moment in the spotlight, too. Maybe these blogs will inspire a few of you to start blogging. If so, I hope to feature it one day.


  1. Nice of you to introduce fellow bloggers. Glad I saw your post on Facebook. Somewhere along the line I lost track of you. I've rectified that now.

  2. Great post - I love hearing about new blogs! :D

  3. What a great idea. I love to find new blogs to visit.

  4. Can't wait to go check those out!
    ~ Wendy

  5. Thanks, everyone! I'm thinking about doing something similar each month.Keep your eyes peeled!


  6. Thanks for this great opportunity to meet some new folks! I look forward to checking these neat places out :-)

  7. Thanks so much for including me, I can't wait to visit the others and make new writing friends. Please let me know what I can do to help each of you.

  8. You're both welcome. Love your blogs.


  9. I can't wait to check out these blogs, thank you! :)

  10. Can't wait to check everyone out. Thanks Debbie.

  11. What a great idea! I look forward to visiting some of these sites.

  12. Thanks, Pam. Hope I can feature yours sometime.


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