Time for The Spotlight On You: Share Your Blog

I'd like to celebrate. After over 300 posts, I still think blogging is pretty fun. So I'd like to take some time to honor my readers--because without encouragement along the way, I wouldn't have kept going.

So here's the plan. Leave a comment with your blog link, and a brief description of what you blog about. I'll post the links on Thursday, so you've got a couple of days to comment. If there are more links than I expect, I might post some this week and some next week.

I know that quite a few of you have amazing blogs that don't get the press they deserve. And I'm sure I'm missing others. So here's your chance to let the world know why your blog is awesome.

I can't wait to check them all out. Don't be shy!


  1. Alright... uh, hi! My name is Sonia, and I write under the name S.M. Carrière. It's nothing special or mysterious, just my first two initials and my surname.

    My blog:
    is a chronicle of my writing and what it's like trying to get published - everything about it. The fears, frustrations, triumphs etc. Sometimes it's a dull road, so there's filler - a book or movie review, a comment on something else that's happening in my life, or something else.

    The primary focus, though, is my writing.

    I do agree with you, though. Blogging is fun!

  2. Thanks for being the first, Sonia!


  3. Hi. I'm Stacy. I share writing topics that interest me as I work on my memoir in progress.

    Blog address: stacysjensen.blogspot.com

    Congrats on 300 helpful posts. I always enjoy them.

  4. Hi, I'm Terri. I have two blogs. The first is for those interested in writing for children, and beginning writers. It is under my real name so that it is the beginning of a writer's platform for writing for children. It can be found at http://terri-forehand.blogspot.com
    The second blog is about children who are ill and their parents. It started out as just a blog about children, cancer, and terminal illness in kids but it has broadened to more childhood illnesses and resources, book reviews, and some generic nursing advice... some of the stuff your nurse may not have time to tell you. I have a passion for children who deal with life threatening illness and I think more stuff honest and age appropriate, should be written at the kids age level. My goal is to write children's books that address some of their fears and successes and feelings that they don't feel comfortable talking with adults about.It can be found at http://heartfeltwords4kids.blogspot.com


  5. Thank you, Stacy and Terri! Both of you and Sonia have great blogs.


  6. I've been quietly checking out your blog for a while now, and each post is so encouraging to me as a wannabe writer who is still figuring it all out.

    My blog, estherfeng.com, is the place where I write about what my life looks like as I live fully for Jesus.

  7. Thanks for the opportunity! On my blog I share thoughts about issues specific to writing for children. I also have a weekly feature, the ABCs of writing for middle graders, where I encourage discussion about an aspect of writing for this tricky age group.


  8. Thank you for letting me know you're here, Esther! Both you and Andrea have such interesting blogs.


  9. Very much a fan of the blog, and am glad it has remained active so long.

    Hope you don't mind, but I've got two on my end. One is my personal blog at JRVogt.blogspot.com, where I share in my writing adventures. The other is Write-Strong.com, where I compile resources and tools for aspiring writers to hopefully take advantage of.

    All the best!

  10. Congratulations on your 300+ posts! I love your blog. I always perk up when a new post from you pops up in my Google reader.

    My blog has mostly been featuring interviews with children's writers and illustrators about their workspace (Creative Spaces interviews). Occasionally I add posts about something else (often writing related) and I have intentions to update with more of those and add more variety to my blog in the near future (but priority #1 for me with my writing time has been finishing my revisions right now).

  11. Josh-thanks for the links. I really like the blog topics I read. Right up my alley. Are you planning to attend this year's PPW Conference? I'll be there.

    Jenn-I'm always reading your post that come into my reader. You've got such a unique blog. I love being able to peek into the workspaces of other writers & illustrators. I'm in the middle of renovating my own, and I'm using some of the inspiration I've found on your blog.


  12. Congratulations, Debbie, on reaching--and surpassing--300 posts! Your place is a great source for writing helps and tips. Hats off to you :-)

    At my blog, Words and Such, (www.kendaturner.blogspot.com) I share a bit of my writing journey on the way to publication while passing along some of the things I learn as I go. In this way I hope to encourage others in their journeys, too...

  13. Thanks, Kenda! So glad your excellent blog will be in the list tomorrow.

