Big Name Advice: Writing Tips From Famous Writers

I wish I had a mentor. A published writer willing to walk alongside me in my journey to publication. Someone to answer my questions. Generous enough to share advice and steer me around pitfalls. It is my hope to be that kind of mentor one day.

In the meantime, I'm mentored by the novels I read, the books on craft I consume, and the workshops I attend. And thanks to the internet, there are even more writers I can learn from. Writers no longer alive, and writers I'll likely never meet.

Let me introduce you.

George Orwell. The author of Animal Farm shares six questions writers should ask themselves, and six rules writers should follow.

Ernest Hemingway. Check out this iconic author's five tips on writing well. Succinct and helpful.

Steven King. If you haven't read his book, On Writing, it needs to go on your list. In the meantime, here are seven tips for becoming a better writer from the book.

If you could ask a famous author a question, what would it be?


  1. I wish I had a mentor too! I actually stalk a couple blogs really closely because I'm pretty sure these ladies will be published someday and I hope they'll remember me then :) But there are plenty of successful writers who did exactly this: just learned at a distance. I'm not even sure what I would ask a famous writer... I'd be too tongue-tied!

  2. I've heard of some writers who send an email asking a particular question, and the exchange sparks a friendship. I'd be a little nervous, too! But commenting on blogs is another way to establish a relationship. Hope it works out for you.


  3. It's funny. I seem to be reading mostly non-fiction memoir and the authors generally share why they write (which is typically my question). I laughed at Margo's comment. It does feel a bit like stalking with blogs, etc., but it's a great way to ask questions and have a conversation with authors, agents, authors and others.

  4. The question I usually ask, is how do you find time to write? How do you make yourself write when you don't feel like it, or life gets in the way?

    You're right that memoirs answer a lot of questions ahead of time!


  5. It would be awesome to have such a mentor :)

  6. Even if I never have one, I'm determined to be one someday.


  7. Debbie, I think you would make an awesome mentor! I also "stalk" a lot of blogs, hoping to learn new tips and trade! I'm only just learning how fun the blogging world is. I love your links, too.

  8. Hi, Debbie:
    I read through these links and enjoyed the tips from the masters. I bookmarked Orwell's page in particular. I was drawn to his question about having written something "avoidably ugly". That phrase reminds me to think twice about the sentiments certain words evoke. We never want to alienate the reader.

    Thank you for your post. Have a lovely weekend.

  9. It's refreshing to see writers from other eras have the same issues that we deal with today. Have a great weekend yourself, Janette!

