Agent Friday: Laurie McLean

 For the second week, we have an agent with publicity and marketing experience. Laurie McLean ran a public relations company for twenty years, before she became an agent with the Larsen Pomada Literary Agency. And with the digital publishing revolution, she decided to begin a company specializing in digital marketing consulting called Agent Savant Inc.

As an agent, McLean specializes in genre fiction, which includes romance, fantasy, science fiction, horror, westerns, mystery, suspense, and thrillers. She also represents children's middle grade and young adult books. Because she is an author herself, she understands the ups and downs of the writing life.

McLean maintains a blog called Agent Savant. I've found a number of posts that will interest writers of many genres--including those considering the self-publishing route.

Are you confused about the term "genre fiction"? McLean comes to the rescue. Her post on genre fiction will explain whether this is what you write--or not.

If you're planning to ride the ebook wave, McLean, a publicity professional has some advice for you. You need to have what she calls a Digital Marketing Plan. No one is going to tout your book besides you (at the start), and you'll want to take note of her four important steps for digital marketing.

Another post on the topic is The Ebook Unbound. An excellent education on the changes happening as we speak.

I love her post, 15 Things Kurt Vonnegut Said Better Than Anyone. The translations of his words are though-provoking.

If you're writing supernatural fantasy, you won't want to miss this post that gives a great definition of the genre.

And the Larsen Pomada agency has a wonderful list of amazing resources for writers. Check it out.

Want more Agent Friday? Click here.


  1. Just peeked at the agency's page for resources for writers--I could get lost in there for hours! Thanks for sharing. I've got to explore some of these links, that's for sure...

  2. I know. Some of these resource pages have me wanting to spend time wandering. If only I could multiply myself!

