Writing Groups: QueryTracker

One of the January posts focused on your personalized query plan. It may seem daunting to sort through hundreds of agents, and tracking submissions and requests can be equally overwhelming.

That's where a site like QueryTracker comes in. Once you set up a free profile, the site allows you to search for agents based upon their preferences, and add them to your own list. When you send a query, it's easy to track on the QueryTracker site. You'll be able to note if you get a response, and whether you sent a partial or full manuscript.

Because the site contains updates from its many users, you'll know the average response times of the agents you query. You can even set up an alert to remind you to check the status of a submission at a particular time.

Even if you're not ready to query right now, QueryTracker can help you get there. The forums on the site have groups for every genre, and for critiquing queries and first pages. Reading through the posts on the forum will help you glean information from writers who have learned things the hard way and are willing to share their knowledge.

Are you curious about the top ten agents who receive the most queries? The top ten agents who issue the most rejections? How about the most non-responsive agents, or the most accepting agents? If these kinds of statistics sound like they could help you narrow down your search, check out the Top 10 page.

Perhaps you have a favorite author who writes in a genre or style similar to yours, and you've considered querying his or her agent. QueryTracker will help you find that agent with its who represents whom listing (in helpful alphabetical order).

Beyond agents, QueryTracker also has a database of publishers, in case you'd like to skip querying altogether. Yes, there are some publishers who still take unagented submissions.

Does QueryTracker really work? Read through some of the 462 success stories to find out for yourself. And keep up with their blog for great tips on querying, as well as periodic contests.

If you're not part of some kind of online writing group, you're missing out on information and support. Which ones have been helpful for you?


  1. As always, thanks for the wonderful information! This is a site I had checked out in the past, and I even have it bookmarked, but have yet to go back to it. I will definitely take a thorough look and begin plans for when my novel is on its way to completion. I think it would be a great way to keep track of multiple submissions without your head falling off. :)

  2. I'm planning to use it, too. They've got some great how-to videos so you're able to use the site to the fullest extent. I figure I'll start putting agents on my "list" now so the process will be easier down the road.

    Once I watched one of the videos, I abandoned my original plan of just keeping track on a spreadsheet.


  3. You're very right about the QueryTracker site. It's invaluable. I've been using it for a while now and I'm glad. Especially since I'm about to begin querying in earnest!

  4. So glad to hear you like it, Julie. I'm working on pulling together the agents I'll eventually query. I'd love to hear how the process is going for you!

