Writing Your Goals for 2011: Make a Plan You Can Follow

The beginning of a new year is a magical time. Twelve blank calendar pages stare back at you, full of possibilities.

This moment of promise is the best time to set goals for the new year. To think about the "big picture" of where you want to be writing-wise at the end of the year. 

One of the reasons for setting goals, is to have something to shoot for. Without goals, we tend to walk in circles--busy, but not making any progress. 

Last December, I wrote out my writing goals for 2010. I used a printable form, and kept that sheet tacked by my computer all year. I tried to review my progress each month to see how I was doing. So far, I've accomplished half my goals for the year. I plan to do better in 2011.

For each of the five Mondays in January, I'll do a post on different kinds of writing goals to set, with resources for each:

Writing: setting aside time to write, and choosing goals for what to write this year.
Financial: this may be the year to set up your writing as a business; keeping track of income and expenses.
Querying: setting goals for how and when to query agents this year.
Workspace: your "office" influences how effectively and how often you write. Get it in shape to help jump start your writing.
Learning: setting goals for educating yourself on the craft of writing, whether reading books and blogs, or attending workshops and conferences.

Are you planning to set goals for 2011?


  1. Debbie,
    Yes, I set goals every year, but most of the time I set too many. I feel as if the blank calendar pages are "staring" at me and calling for me to follow through with my writing goals.

  2. This is such a hopeful time of year. Like Amy, I tend to set too many goals, but I guess that keeps us moving forward. And there *is* something very promising about twelve blank calendar pages. The tough part is maintaining that enthusiasm throughout the year. In any event, happy planning, and Happy New Year!

  3. You're both right. Setting more goals than you need probably means you'll hit more of them than if you only chose a few. And following through is the hard part.


  4. Speaking as a wanna-be-writer who has no time to write, I really appreciate your blog and look forward to your resources and advice. I am glad to have come across your blog and plan to come back again. I do plan to set goals for my business and will take certainly take your advice. Happy New Year!

  5. Thanks for stopping by, Maureen. I think you'll want to check out this coming Tuesday's post. It's an amazing guest post that's tailor-made for those of us with no time to write. It will eliminate your writing guilt, while still encouraging you to write!


  6. I look very forward to your January posts! I did create solid writing goals for myself this year, and then I broke them down into monthly goals, to alleviate overwhelming myself (which I am famous for, LOL). I tend to multitask to the point of selling myself short, which is something I am working on this year. Just taking it one step at a time. So far (and I know it's only day 2), it's working out very well.

  7. Great idea, Krissy! You have a much better chance of reaching them when you break them down like that. I like the one step at a time idea. Sounds so much less overwhelming!


  8. Sounds like a great series! Looking forward to each one (already enjoyed the "finding writing time" post!)

  9. Thanks, Julie. I think I'm getting more out of these than anyone!

