Nominate Your Favorite Writing Websites

 I subscribe to Writer's Digest Magazine. The issue I look forward to the most is the May/June issue that features their 101 Best Websites for Writers. I'm usually familiar with many of the websites listed, but there are always a handful I've never heard of before.

And that's where you come in.

Writer's Digest comes up with the list based upon nominations from you, the writers in the trenches. If you'd like a copy of the 2010 list, sign up for the free Writer's Digest newsletter. As you navigate the internet, you've surely come up with a few websites that you seek out again and again. 

It's time to share them with the rest of us.

But you don't have much time. The nominations are due by January 1st. That's Saturday. So do it today. Look through your bookmarks, your blog reader, your lists of not-to-be-forgotten sites, and pick a few to share with others. 

To nominate a website, you'll have to send an email with the web address and a sentence or two about what you like about the site. Send your email to . You can nominate as many sites as you like.

The 2010 list contained the following categories:
-writing advice
-general resources
-jobs & markets
-online writing communities
-everything agents
-publishing & marketing resources
-genres & niches
-just for fun 

Who knows? The one you nominate might make it into the top one hundred and one. It's time for me to nominate a whole bunch. What about you?

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