Remembering My Muse: A Goodbye to a Faithful Friend

Nine years ago, a wriggling puppy landed in my lap. A golden retriever full of smiles and fun, who loved chewing on pumpkin stems and slept curled up next to the vacuum cleaner.

Nine years ago, writing was a dream that didn't make it to the forefront of my brain very often. My kids were 4, 6, 7, and ten, keeping me too busy to string sentences coherently.

But as time went on, and the desire to write grew and even became reality, one thing was constant.

My furry muse.

A warm, doggy body curled up beneath my desk.

Expressive brown eyes that seemed to understand when the words just wouldn't come.

And immediate forgiveness for the times I kept on typing and took for granted that he was there.

Six weeks ago, a rare form of leukemia reared its head. He fought hard, but today Aspen was given a well-deserved rest.

But the space under my desk feels awfully empty.

Thanks for listening. Here's hoping that there's a muse in your life.


  1. Debbie, he is so beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss. It broke my heart to lose our Candi and we only had her for a short time. I can only imagine your pain right now. Take time to grieve for him. He loved you and no one can take that away.


  2. Thank you so much, Angela. I know you understand.


  3. When angels come to Earth disguised as dogs, they come as Golden Retrievers.

    I lost my Molly eight years and three weeks ago, and I still miss her furry presence and her golden soul.


  4. What a great saying! So sorry about Molly. Sounds like a dear.


  5. Sorry for your loss, Debbie. Special friends are always so sorely missed...

  6. Oh, heartbreaking! I'm so sorry for your loss.

    My dog curls up under my desk too...

  7. Thank you, Kenda and Julie. He will be greatly missed.


  8. Dear Debbie,

    I'm all teary-eye reading this. I DO understand. I have a golden retriever too ( We love him to death. This past summer we had to put another dog of ours to rest. Oh gosh, that was so hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. He's in Heaven, your Aspen. he's a golden angel.


  9. You're so sweet, Mayra. And what a fantastic idea for a blog. I'll have to stop by and get my doggie fix.


  10. I am so sorry Aspen is no longer under your desk. I know the sadness well, as I lost my Scratch in July. Here's the link to my tribute to my girl:

    Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!

  11. Thank you so much! Loved your post. If I could have done justice to Aspen in poetry, I would have. : )

